It’s About the Science

Scholarships for Young Scientists Seeking a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease: Deadline Aug. 1

    The Alzheimers Association San Diego/Imperial Chapter is pleased to announce the request for submissions for our 2010 Young Scholar Awards a program of financial scholarships for deserving young scientists.

    “The program is for undergraduates, postgraduates and post doctoral students in the field of Alzheimer’s and related dementias,” said John Daley, M.D., chair of the Chapter’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board. “We are seeking applications from a broad range of disciplines, including biomedical, clinical and psychosocial research.”

    Elizabeth Murphy, a recipient of a 2009 award, wrote:

    “As a medical and graduate student, I am very grateful to have my research ambitions supported by the Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial Chapter. It has been encouraging to see recent advances in Alzheimer’s research by the medical and scientific communities, and I am optimistic that due to the continued support from organizations like the Alzheimer’s Association, tremendous advances will be made in the coming years toward early detection and treatment.” 

    Details of the proposal requirements are:

    • 200-word summary of findings (attach re/preprint of manuscript if available)

    • Letter of support from mentor or academic advisor

    • Written answers (2-5 sentences each) to the following questions:
    – How does your discovery advance our ability to understand, manage or treat Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders?
    – What is novel about your findings or the approach used?
    – What steps have you taken to ensure that your data are solid and reliable?
    – What exactly was your role in this project?

    • Curriculum vitae, including a list of any publications.

    The deadline for submissions is Aug. 31, 2010. Submissions should be sent to young. At that time a subcommittee of the Alzheimer’s Association Medical & Scientific Advisory Board will review the applications and select the recipients. The awards will be announced October 1.
