Jonás Cuarón On ‘Desierto’

<p>Mexican thriller “Desierto”opened in the United States this past Friday, October 14. Starring Gael García Bernal, the feature-length film &nbsp;chronicles the perilous trek a group of migrants makes through the desert, where they not only have survive the merciless terrain, but the bullets of an armed vigilante as well.</p>
<p>Jonás Cuarón, writer and director&nbsp;of this&nbsp;screenplay, spoke to La Prensa San Diego about his latest film, which was inspired by a trip through the American southwest.</p>
<p>“Eight years ago, I was traveling through Arizona with my brother and in that time these anti-immigration laws that discriminate racially were starting to appear,” Cuarón&nbsp;said to La Prensa. “You could see a terrible rhetoric of hate towards immigrants on the radio and everywhere else.”</p>
<p>“I then felt the need to tell a story about this situation. It wasn’t until about a few years later that I thought of addressing this topic not as a drama or documentary, as it is often done, but through a thriller,” Cuarón continued.</p>
<p>During the creative process, Cuarón&nbsp;incorporated many real life elements and events from real life that would be touched upon subtly in this opus.</p>
<p>“The idea was to make a movie that was a type of metaphor that explores the places we can reach if we keep promoting hate,” Cuarón&nbsp;highlighted. “I saw the plot as a parable or metaphor for something distant in our society and sadly this political campaign season I am seeing that the premise isn’t too far from reality.”</p>
<p>The social climate in which “Desierto” is being released is not one with which the filmmaker is too happy&nbsp;with.</p>
<p>“We are deep in a situation in where whichever candidate wins, immigrants have already been bombarded with hatred. I would have preferred ‘Desierto’ premiere in a world without borders and just be a simple action movie.’”</p>
<p>Expectation for ‘Desierto’ film has been very strong and critical reception has been overwhelmingly positive. In its premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, “Desierto” was awarded with the FIPRESCI Award, which is presented by the International Federation of Film Critics. Cuaron’s feature has also taken the gold at the Taormina FIlm Festival celebrated in Italy and has also earned great ovations from crowds at Mexico’s Morelia International Film Festival and The Los Angeles Film Festival.</p>
<p>Perhaps the biggest distinction that Cuaron’s latest project has earned is being selected by the Mexican Academy of Film Arts and Sciences to represent Mexico at the upcoming Academy Awards.</p>
<p>“I am honored that the Mexican academy chose ‘Desierto’ as its representative because every year there are so many amazing films produced in Mexico and this year was not the exception.”</p>
<p>Jonás Cuarón &nbsp;ended our interview by extending an invitation to our readers to watch his latest film.</p>
<p>“I would like to invite you to watch ‘Desierto’. I promise you you’ll be at the edge of your seats.”</p>
<p>“Desierto” is currently playing at AMC Palm Promenade 24 (770 Dennery Road) in South San Diego. “Desierto” is expected to open&nbsp;in more local screens in the coming weeks.</p>

Mario A. Cortez