Karate tournament champs

Tang Soo Do

Karate tournament champs are celebrating their success after a regional competition held October 11th at the San Diego Citadel. Martial art students as young as 3 years old from Los Angeles, Orange County and the San Diego area competed in sparring, weapon and form categories. An enthusiastic team from Chula Vista’s Tang Soo Do Karate Institute met the competitive challenges and took many top honors. The Adult Female Grand Champion was Amanda Masumoto. Said Andres Espinoza won the Junior Male Grand Champion award and Isabel Molina, the Junior Female Grand Champion.

Special guest instructor attending the championship was Grandmaster Robert E. Beaudoin, President of the World Tang Soo Do Association’s from Waterbury, Connecticut. The grandmaster presented a variety of recognition and achievement awards earned by the Chula Vista students including a Regional Scholarship Award, the Family-of-the-Year Award and several Black Belt promotions. Presented 1st. degree Black Belts was Maya Horiuchiri age 11, Aidan Perez (11), and Jordan Hagadone (18). The 2nd degree Black Belt was presented to Isabel Molina (14) and Melisa Avila (16). The 4th degree Black Belt rank was presented to Mr. Sig Luther. This rare and significant achievement in the martial arts is the result of more than twenty years of disciplined training and dedication.

Tang Soo Do Karate Institute is headed by Master Larry Dercole and Master Leslie Salinas and has recently celebrated the studio’s 37th year at the 2260 Main Street location making it one of the oldest (if not the oldest) martial Art schools in Chula Vista  and the South bay. The disciplined culture and traditions of this Korean martial art are offered to both children and adults. You can view their Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/TSDKI.
