La Prensa San Diego, June 3, 2014, Primary Election Guide

The Voters of San Diego are, once again, being asked to go to the polls. Due to the short time frame between the special election and this election we can are unable to recommend for all the races.With that said here are our recommendations:

Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Democratic: Jerry Brown has done a great job in his first term, this is a no-brainer.

Attorney General  Kamala D. Harris, Democratic: Harris has done an admirable job as Attorney General and is on the right side of the issues such as gun control, pro-marriage equality, anti-death penalty.

Secretary of State  Alex Padilla, Democratic

State Superintendent of Public Instruction  Tom Torlakson: This year the State Superintendent of Public Instruction is a very competitive race between the incumbent Torlakson and Marshall Tuck. The biggest difference between them is that Tuck is pro-charter schools and is about creating more changes in education. One of the things we don’t like about Tuck is that he sees the problems with education as a union issue and as such would like to dismantle many of the Union protections that teachers now have.

The last thing the schools need today are more changes, hasn’t there been enough with the No Child Left Behind and now the poorly implemented Common Core that only heaps more work on the teachers, no funding, no curriculum, no books!

We believe that now is not the time for change, but a time for a steady hand on the wheel to help guide education and Torlakson is that person. Torlakson understands teachers and the issues they face and is not so quick to blame the teachers for all troubles in education.

US Congress:

District 50  Duncan Hunter, Republican: We don’t agree with everything Hunter has stood for but the one thing he has been strong about has been his personal interest with the issue of Sergeant Rafael Peralta and the Medal of Honor that has been denied to him. Peralta may not have gotten the medal, but he is getting a Navy ship named after him. For this reason alone, we endorse Hunter.

District 52  Scott Peters, Democratic: Scott Peters is running for his second term and he has earned it.

State Assembly; District 76  Rocky J. Chávez, Republican: Chávez has done a pretty good job in Sacramento and in his own way has fought for Hispanic rights and causes while in office. Chávez deserves another term to see what he can accomplish.


In the past judicial elections rarely received an endorsement from us, but with the recent election of Right-wing “birther” attorney Gary Kreep, these races deserve more attention so here goes:

Superior Court Judge; Office 9  Ronald S. Prager
Superior Court Judge; Office 19  Michael J. Popkins
Superior Court Judge; Office 20  Carla Keehn: This race receives special attention. Keehn is running against the incumbent Lisa Schall. The problem with Schall is that during her term as judge she has been admonished three times by the state Commission on Judicial Performance. After 30 years on the bench it is time for a change. Vote for Keehn
Superior Court Judge; Office 25  Brad Weinreb
Superior Court Judge; Office 44  Joseph Adelizzi

Board of Supervisors; County of San Diego  Jim Wood: Wood is running against Bill Horn. We will never forget when Horn, as board president, used his state of the county speech to heap disparaging remarks on the immigrant community alluding to them as potential terrorists with the possibility of bring nuclear devices across the border. This is just the tip of the iceberg with Horn, but that is enough said to once again endorse his opponent.

Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk;  Susan Guinn: The incumbent Ernest Dronendurg used his position to challenge the Prop. 8 ruling on Gay Marriage. As an individual he has the right, but as an officeholder sworn to uphold the law this was not the way to use his position for political purposes. We endorse Guinn for a breath of fresh air.

District Attorney;  Bob Brewer: This is the most important race of the day. As the top law enforcement officer in the City, the DA has to be above reproach and with all the recent allegations swirling around Bonnie Dumanis she fails on that count. As DA, Dumanis has used her office for political gain, as a political tool of intimidation, and has shown herself to be vindictive, again another failure. For the Hispanic community her attack on council member Steve Castaneda is again another failure on her part.

We need a DA who will not use the office for political purposes and is above the tinge of partisan politics and miss-deeds for these reasons We Endorse Bob Brewer of District Attorney.

City of Chula Vista:

Council Member; Seat 1: This race essentially is between John McCann and Steve Padilla. While we had hoped for better representation, we have to go with what we got and between these two career politicians Steve Padilla offers us a better chance at good government. McCann’s service as school board member has been deplorable, so much so that he doesn’t even mention the fact that he is a sitting school board member on his ballot statement, he does not deserve another chance as city council man.

Council Member; Seat 2  Patricia “Pat” Aguilar

Mayor: The future for the City of Chula Vista does not look bright when this is the best that the city can come up with when it comes to candidates for Mayor: Pamela Bensoussan, Jerry R. Rindone, and Mary Salas.

In reality the race is between Rindone and Salas. Or biggest problem with Rindone is his age, we think his better days are behind him. Our problem with Salas is that we do not believe she has the capacity to lead the city, the fact that she is running on school unification as a platform issue only leads credence to this fact, not really a mayoral issue, nor does this issue make any sense. We can not offer an recommendation for this race.

City of San Diego:

Council Member; District 6:  Mitz Lee: We have know Mitz Lee for a long time and she is a dedicated individual who has worked for the betterment of her community as an elected school board member and a volunteer in the politicial arena. Electing Lee would also provide representation for the Filipina community which has been lacking for a long time now. We endorse Mitz Lee.

Council Member: District 8  David Alvarez

Local Propositions:

Proposition B and Proposition C: both deal with the Barrio Logan Community Plan Update. We Rcommend a YES Vote on Prop. B and Prop. C.
