Lincoln Club gets it wrong…Again

CVPOA urges voters to look past empty campaign promises

 On 05-22-2012 (“Thousands of voters receive wrong political mailers”) and 05-25-2012 (“Council candidate not taking pension despite mailers saying he will”) the U-T San Diego reported the pro-business Lincoln Club was making some mistakes this election season.  Well, once again, the Lincoln Club has got it all wrong.

Late this week, Chula Vista residents began to receive a Lincoln Club slate mailer in support of the re-election campaign for Chula Vista Councilmember Pamela Bensoussan.  The mailer claims that Bensoussan, “works as a true champion of our fire fighters and police.” Huh? Stop the press! No really. Stop the press! Yet another Lincoln Club mistake.

Members of the Chula Vista Police Officers’ Association value honesty and integrity and would like to help the Lincoln Club correct their mistake.  Their claim about Councilmember Bensoussan could not be farther from the truth. It is a flat out lie.

Ms. Bensoussan has never been a “champion” for police; rather she has been a catastrophe for police.  As a councilmember, she voted to lay off 34 police officers, fought to prevent appropriate police officer staffing levels and has consistently refused to work with the police officers’ association on matters critical to public safety.

We are disappointed in the Lincoln Club for making these false claims and misleading voters to believe Ms. Bensoussan is good for Chula Vista’s future.  Although their recent record shows otherwise, we will hope that in the future they will not make additional mistakes.
