Local Dog Park Receives a Helping Hand and Donation


On Tuesday, Nate’s Point Off-Leash Dog Park in San Diego’s beautiful Balboa Park got a helping hand when the Balboa Park Conservancy and San Diego Parks and Recreation staff, along with local volunteers and the Beneful team rolled up their sleeves to work side-by-side on beautification efforts in the dog park.

In the morning, more than 30 volunteers joined together with the City of San Diego, the Balboa Park Conservancy and Beneful to help plant 18 new trees and landscape at the south end of Nate’s Point Off-Leash Dog Park. The new trees included jacarandas, tipuana tipus, and mahoganies which will add to the beauty of the park’s landscape as well as offer plenty of shade for park goers.

“We at Beneful are passionate about bringing people and their pets together and dog parks are a great way to do that,” said Matt Basler, Beneful brand manager.

“Through our Dream Dog Park Project we’re able to support dog parks across
the country – just like San Diego’s Nate’s Point Off-Leash Dog Park – and enhance the spaces where dogs and owners are enjoying time together.”

In addition to making hands-on improvements in the dog park, the Beneful team has made a $20,000 donation to the Balboa Park Conservancy, which will help support further improvements at Nate’s Point Off-Leash Dog Park.
“The donation from Beneful, in addition to the hard work of all the volunteers today, will have a tremendous impact on Nate’s Point Dog Park,” said Tomás Herrera-Mishler, Director and CEO of Balboa Park Conservancy.

“We are thrilled to have partnered with Beneful and the City of San Diego to make today happen and look forward to continuing to enhance the dog park experience for our dog loving community”, Herrera-Mishler added.

The donation from Beneful not only covered the new trees that were planted today, but also will fund the purchase of an irrigation system. The irrigation system will automatically water the trees on a regular schedule to ensure they can establish their roots and grow strong, while temporary fencing installed around each tree will ensure they will mature enough to handle two and four-legged park guests.

Support to the park is part of the Beneful Dream Dog Park Project, a program created to help bring new dog parks to life and improve existing ones through a combination of financial support, hands-on volunteering and shared dog park expertise. The enhancements are always geared towards providing a better shared experience for dogs and their owners in a place where they can come and enjoy time together – something the Beneful team is passionate about.

Nate’s Point Off-Leash Dog Park is located in the West Mesa of Balboa Park, immediately south of El Prado and Laurel Street and east of Balboa Drive. The off-leash area is approximately 2.3 acres in size and has been used as a dog park in the community since 1996.

To stay up to date on the Beneful Dream Dog Park Project, follow the team on Facebook at Facebook.com/Beneful,  @Beneful on Twitter and using the hashtag #DreamDogPark.