Looking for the family of Manuel Araujo

    Manuel lived in Cape Cod for many years, he recently died in a tragic boating accident in Province-town harbor. Manuel left us no way to contact his family. We are looking for the family of Manuel Araujo. 47 years old who was brother of Conception Araujo (Mrs. Ruben Diaz)  of San Ysidro California, son of Jose Araujo, desist, and son of Maria Guadalupe Vargas Rodriguez, of Tijuana,  desist.

    He died in a boating accident on April 24, 2010.

    We loved Manuel very much and we want his family to know that he is at peace.

    Please call Christopher at 508-487-2851 or Maggie 508-246-0011

    For the news story on the boating accident: http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100422/NEWS11/100429926
