Memorial Day, a day of pride and gratitude


All that we have as a country, all that we have become, all that we hope for is because a man or woman gave their life so that we can enjoy today. This is what Memorial Day is about: remembering those who have given their life on the battlefields across the world and throughout the history of the United States.

   We are an independent nation because men, vastly un-trained, lacking in supplies, and against great odds, stood tall and fought against the world’s great military might of England. It is recorded that 25,000 men died in the eight year span of the War of Independence.

   The Civil War is considered the mostly costly of all wars to our country with over 623,000 deaths in four years. It was fought so that we could be free men and unite the states into one great nation.

   524,000 Americans died during the two World Wars which protected our shores and our freedoms. Over 100,000 men fought and died to bring freedom and democracy to the people of other countries.

   Over the course of history, Hispanics from General Bernardo de Galvez during the American Revolution to the 43 Hispanic Americans who have been awarded U.S. military highest honor, the Medal of Honor, have heroically contributed to the freedoms and privileges we enjoy in the United States today.

   These are our heroes, they died not for fame, nor money, but died for the love of their country, for the principles they believed in, their family, and for their fellow man.

   Memorial Day is the day that we honor the memory of those who died for our freedoms. We recognize their sacrifices and we honor the families who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

   How can we honor these men and women? By visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes, by flying the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon, by renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our fallen dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.

   Least of all we can take a moment this Monday, give thanks, take pride in our military, and share a moment with our children about the importance of this day. Without our Heroes this world would be a much different place.
