Minority Contracting Opportunities


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Southwestern Community College District of San Diego County, California, acting by and through its Governing Board, hereinafter referred to as the “DISTRICT” will receive up to, but no later than 2:00 PM on July 31, 2015 sealed Bids, No. 1516-2008R, for the award of a contract for the Southwestern Community College Wellness & Aquatics Complex – Site Setup. Bids shall be addressed to Mark Claussen, Program Manager; Building 1688 located at 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, and shall be opened on the date and at the time listed above.

Contractors interested in obtaining bid documents must contact Professional Reprographics at 241 W.35th Street, Suite A, National City CA. 91950 or (619) 272-5600. Bid documents shall be available for access on Thursday, July 2nd, 2015. CD’s are available for a $15.00 fee. Documents may also be viewed and/or downloaded at no cost by visiting www.southwesterncollegeproprplanroom.com. Please note that you will need to login under your company’s name and password in order to download the plans. If you do not have a company login and/or password, please register with the site first. If you have questions about registering, please contact Angel Leano at (619) 272-5600. Obtaining copies of the bid documents is the responsibility of the bidder and the costs are non-refundable. Bidders are also responsible for checking the website noted above for any addenda that may be posted.

Bids must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check, or a Bid Bond in favor of the District in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the submitted Total Bid Price. Each bid shall also be accompanied by the Non-collusion Declaration, the List of Subcontractors Form, the Iran Contracting Act Certification and all additional documentation required by the Instructions to Bidders.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish the District with a Performance Bond equal to 100% of the successful bid, and a Payment Bond equal to 100% of the successful bid, prior to execution of the Contract. All bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the State of California.

The Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which this work is to be performed for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the contract, which will be awarded to the successful bidder, copies of which are on file and will be made available to any interested party upon request at Southwestern Community College or online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlsr. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all workers employed by them in the execution of the contract.

If the bids subject to this Notice are due on or after March 1, 2015, then pursuant to Labor Code sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to perform public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. No bid will be accepted nor any contract entered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the Department of Industrial Relations to perform public work. If awarded a Contract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the Department of Industrial Relations for the duration of the Project.

This Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid.

This Project is also subject to the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) adopted by the District on December 12, 2013. The complete agreement is available for viewing and downloading at http://www.swccd.edu/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=7910. Minority, women, and disabled veteran contractors are encouraged to submit bids.

Each bidder shall be a licensed contractor pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15 and Public Contract Code Section 3300, and shall be licensed in the following classification as required by the scope of work required in the above called out bid packages: C-13 – Fencing. Any bidder not licensed at the time of the bid opening will be rejected as non-responsive. Contractors shall have been in business under the same name and California contractor’s license for a minimum of three (3) continuous years prior to bid opening.

Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, the successful bidder may substitute certain securities for funds withheld by the District to ensure his performance under the Contract.

A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at Southwestern Community College Proposition R Bond Office, Building 1688, located at 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, on the following date and time: Wednesday July 22, 2015 at 10AM. Each and every Bidder MUST attend the Pre-Bid Conference. Prospective bidders MAY NOT visit the Project Site without making arrangements through the Construction Manager (Balfour Beatty Construction) Ken Iacuaniello, Sr. Project Manager. Bids WILL NOT be accepted from any bidder who did not attend the Pre-Bid Conference.

Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(c), if the District has made any findings designating certain materials, products, things, or services by specific brand or trade name, such findings and the materials, products, things, or services and their specific brand or trade names will be set forth in the Special Conditions.

Award of Contract: The District shall award the Contract for the Project to the lowest responsible bidder as determined from the lowest responsible bidder as defined on the bid form. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bids or in the bidding process.

Please reference Specification Volume 4, Exhibit 4.D.1, Pre-Bid RFI Form/Instructions for submission of questions related to this bid invitation. The final day for questions to be submitted shall be July 24, 2015, no later than 2:00 P.M. PST.

No bidder may withdraw its bid for ninety (90) days following the date of the bid opening. Dated this: 2nd Day of July, 2015
Secretary to Governing Board

Melinda Nish, Ed. D. Prop R Southwestern Community College District
Of San Diego County, California

Published: July 10, 17, 2015 La Prensa San Diego



Public Works Department 



CM for Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation of the Georgia St. Bridge  (H156511)

The City of San Diego (City) is requesting proposals from highly qualified construction management firms for consultant services for CM for Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation of the Georgia St. Bridge (H156511).

It is the policy of the City to provide equal opportunity in its construction management professional services contracts. Toward this end, proposals from small local businesses, disadvantaged businesses and disabled veteran, women and minority owned businesses are strongly encouraged. Prime consultants are encouraged to provide subconsultant opportunities or joint venture with these firms. The City endeavors to do business with firms sharing the City’s commitment to equal opportunity and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition or place of birth.

Throughout the duration of the contract, the City of San Diego and consultant shall comply with all the rules and regulations set forth by the State of California’s Local Assistance Program Guidelines.  This project shall use federal grant funds and are subject to terms and conditions by state and federal guidelines.  In addition the selected consultant shall adhere to state & federal DBE standards. The City of San Diego has determined that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) can reasonably be expected to compete for the subcontracting opportunities in this project. The Contractor should ensure that DBEs and other Small Businesses have the opportunity to participate in the performance of the work that is the subject of this solicitation. The total DBE Subcontractor Participation Level for this project is 0.0%.

The City of San Diego will ensure that full access to programs, services, meetings and activities comply with Section 504, Title V, of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990, Public Law 101-336.

In-depth knowledge and a strong understanding of the local environment, and a local presence for interfacing with the City’s project management staff are essential to the successful completion of this project. The proposal must address the consultant’s knowledge and understanding of:  the City and other local agencies regulations and policies; local environment; and local building codes and other design criteria. The proposal must also address how the consultant plans to interface with the City’s project management staff and the consultant’s workforce in San Diego County.

All Proposals submitted must be in accord with the RFP. The RFP (PDF) and the Standard Federal Electronic Forms (Word Template.dot) may be downloaded from the following website:


It is important to register at this website to become an official RFP holder. You must be a registered RFP holder to receive addenda. A pass/fail requirement, at Section 6.2.10 of the RFP, requires acknowledgement of all addenda in proposals. For assistance, phone or email John Mendivil at 619-533-3638 or jmendivil@sandiego.gov.

A pre-proposal meeting will be held on Tuesday, July  21, 2015, 9:00:00 AM, at Executive Complex, 14th Floor Large Conference Room, 1010 Second Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. It is strongly recommended that all interested parties attend. For more information, assistance, to request an agenda in alternative format, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, please contact Brad Johnson, at 619-533-5120 at least five working days prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Proposals are due no later than 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 5, 2015, at the location stated in the RFP. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract or to defray any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal pursuant to this RFP. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this RFP. The City also reserves the right to revise this RFP, including but not limited to the pre-proposal meeting date and the proposal due date. If the City revises the RFP, all RFP holders of record will be notified in writing by the City.

Summary Scope of Services

The City of San Diego seeks a Construction Management Consultant team to provide support for the Public Works Department/Field Division Bridge Construction staff for the Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation of the Georgia St. Bridge over University Avenue (Bridge 57C-0418; S-00863).The project involves the retrofitting/rehabilitation of the historic 101 year old reinforced concrete structure which is listed in the National Historic Register, construction of retaining walls and the lowering of University Avenue. This project is federally funded in coordination with Caltrans Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Familiarity with Caltrans policies, procedures, and processes via Local Assistance Procedures Manual/Local Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPM/LAPG) is required. Construction is expected to begin summer/fall of 2015 and last approximately one year.  These services will involve night work phases. It is projected that two to three construction managers/engineers will be required. The remainder of the Scope of Services is contained in the Request for Proposal for CM for Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation of the Georgia St. Bridge (H156511), as Exhibit A to the Draft Agreement.

Published: July 10, 2015 La Prensa San Diego



Black & Veatch is soliciting proposals from qualified ELBE and SLBE certified companies for construction management services related to the City of San Diego’s Miramar Clearwell Improvements Proposal for the Public Works Department.

Services to be provided: Construction Quality Assurance Inspection, Special Inspection: Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, Welding, Cathodic Protection, Coatings, Electrical Inspection, Building Mechanical and Plumbing Inspection, Paleontological Services, Archeological Services, Landscape & Storm Water Management Inspection, Land Surveying.

City contract number: H156522

Please limit your proposal information materials to five pages and send them to Gina Bellandi at bellandig@bv.com.

Published: July 10, 2015 La Prensa San Diego


City of San Marcos:  Notice of Public Hearing:  Community Development Block Grant Draft Substantial Amendment to the 2014-2018 Consolidated Plan

The City of San Marcos will hold a public hearing on August 11, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, to solicit public review and comment on a Draft Substantial Amendment to the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) five-year 2014-2018 Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) and the Draft 2015-2019 Con Plan.  CDBG funds are provided by the Federal government to local jurisdictions to help improve the quality of life and housing availability for low-to moderate-income residents. The Con Plan details how the City will expend federal CDBG funds over the Con Plan period.  The Substantial Amendment will change the 2014-2018 Con Plan to a one-year, 2014/15 Con Plan and approve the City’s Draft 2015-2019 Con Plan.  This amendment is necessary due to an administrative requirement of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The City of San Marcos is a member of the San Diego County HOME Investment Partnerships Consortium.  The Consortium is comprised of the Urban County of San Diego and the cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Mesa, San Marcos, Santee, and Vista.  The Substantial Amendment is a result of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 24, Housing and Urban Development, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Department of HUD, Part 91, Consolidated Submissions for Community Planning and Development Programs, Subpart E, Consortia; Contents of Consolidated Plan, Section 91.402, Consolidated Program Year regulation that states that all members of the consortia must be on the same program year for CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA.  The City of San Marcos is not currently on the same program year as the Urban County of San Diego, or the cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Mesa, and Santee.  The City of Vista is also in the process of amending their Con Plan to comply with the administrative requirement.  The Substantial Amendment will place the City of San Marcos on the same program year as the rest of the consortium cities.

After the public hearing, the City Council is scheduled to take action on the proposed Substantial Amendment to the City’s 2014-2018 Con Plan and the Draft 2015-2019 Con Plan.  The Council Chambers is accessible to persons with disabilities; however, if you require special accommodations, please contact the City Clerk’s Department at (760) 744-1050, extension 3100 at least one day prior to the hearing date.  Translation will be provided for persons with limited English proficiency upon request, by contacting the City’s CDBG Program Manager, Julie Magee, at (760) 744-1050, extension 3137 or via e-mail at jmagee@san-marcos.net at least five days before the hearing date.

In accordance with the City’s Citizen Participation Plan, the 2014/15 Con Plan and the Draft 2015-2019 Con Plan are available on the City’s website, www.san-marcos.net and at the City Clerk’s Department located at City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069.  Upon request, these documents will be made available in a format accessible to persons with disabilities. The public is encouraged to review these documents and provide comments.  Public comments will be received until August 10, 2015.  Written comments may be sent to Julie Magee, the CDBG Program Manager for the City of San Marcos, at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, via telephone at (760) 744-1050, extension 3137, or via e-mail at jmagee@san-marcos.net  For questions regarding the City’s 2015-2019 Con Plan, contact Julie Magee via telephone at (760) 744-1050, extension 3137, or via e-mail at jmagee@san-marcos.net