Mother’s Day: Moms, Cops and Students Unite to End the War on Drugs

Moms Share Personal Experiences of Drug War Devastation 

Moms United presents the “Mom’s Bill of Rights” 

Mothers will join with law enforcement and other allies on the steps of the San Diego Hall of Justice, to bring focus to the failed war on drugs. This event is part of a campaign comprised of national organizations representing mothers, police and students seeking to finally end the disastrous drug war. Moms, cops and students will share powerful stories of losing loved ones to drug prohibition-related violence, incarceration, overdose and addiction.

Moms United to End the War on Drugs, a campaign of A New PATH (Parents for Addiction Treatment & Healing) along with other organizations and individuals from across the nation, will present the “Mom’s Bill of Rights,” and highlight a series of activities around the country timed to Mother’s Day.

The war on drugs is really a war on families,” said Gretchen Burns Bergman, of Moms United to End the War on Drugs Campaign. “It is time to end the stigmatization and criminalization of people who use drugs, and move from arrest and mass incarceration to therapeutic, health-oriented strategies. Moms were the driving force in repealing alcohol prohibition and now Moms will play a similar role in ending the war on drugs.”


Leaders of the campaign include Gretchen Burns Bergman (San Diego, CA), the mother of two sons who have both struggled with heroin addiction and repeated incarceration and founder of A New PATH; Denise Cullen (Palm Desert, CA), a social worker specializing in grief counseling, whose son died from an overdose two years ago; Julia Negron (Los Angeles, CA), Director A New PATH LA, Certified Addiction Specialist and mother of a son who has experienced repeated incarceration for non-violent drug offenses; Joy Strickland (Dallas, Texas), CEO of Mothers Against Teen Violence, whose son was killed by drug prohibition-related violence; Neill Franklin (Baltimore, MD), executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and former Maryland narcotics cop who has seen fellow police officers lose their lives due to the drug war; Yolande Cadore (NY, NY), a mom and director of strategic partners at the Drug Policy Alliance.


What: Mother’s Day press conference announcing partnership between moms and cops to end war on drugs.  The Moms United Bill of Rights will be unveiled.

When: Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 10am

Where:San Diego Hall of Justice Steps – 330 West Broadway,San Diego,CA

