Much to be Thankful for

This year has been a good year, or least a better year than the last few, and we have much to be thankful for.
In recent years past our Thanksgiving messages have been ones where we looked to the silver lining during difficult years of economic upheaval and political chaos. We have had to seek out those wistful pieces of joy while some of our friends and neighbors have had to struggle with unemployment and foreclosure issues. All of us have had to find a way to get along with less during those years.

This year it is a little different, than years past. While there has always been hope for the future, this year we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and for this we are thankful.

But what we have the most to be thankful for, and what has endured throughout the years, even through the difficulty ones, is that we are thankful for our family which supports us, love us, and with whom we share our hopes and dreams with.

We are thankful for the health of our children and our spouses. We are thankful for our friends with whom we can talk with, play with, and dream with as we travel through life.

We can be thankful for the blessings we have received and the kindness that has been shared. We are thankful that this year we are in better economic shape that we are able to spread a little bit of joy with those less fortunate.

We are thankful that we can celebrate this Thanksgiving with the community. As the Hispanic community continues to grow, mature as a political force, and develop as a societal entity, we are thankful that we are a part of this growth, a part of this community. The future is bright for the Hispanic community and we are proud to be small part of the community.

Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias,
Daniel Muñoz, editor; Maria Delgado, Pablo Sainz, Francisco Zavala, Ann Cleaves, Manuel Velazquez, Ruben Muñoz, and from all our contributors throughout the year.
