National City Students Receive Free School Supplies

<p><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-36647"><img loading="lazy" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-36647" src="…; alt="school" width="300" height="200" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a></p>
<p>Elementary school students in National City were in for a big surprise this Tuesday, September 13. Students were treated to school supplies gathered through the National City Police Department’s annual school supplies drive.</p>
<p>The annual event, started 13 years ago as a small donation call, has grown into a large community drive. This year, the National City Police Department partnered with the National City Rotary Club, National City Police Officers Association (NCPOA), Costco Wholesale, and other community organizations and community members to distribute basic school supplies to elementary schools within the National City School District.</p>
<p>“We found out that there were some children that didn’t have [basic school supplies] like paper, notebooks, backpacks, erasers, pencils, and little things that make the children’s learning experience, that’s how the drive started,” said National City Police Department Sergeant Chris Sullivan. “Now, it has grown as big as we can see today with the mayor, councilmembers and community partners present.”</p>
<p>National City Police Officers, City employees and community members gathered at the National City Police Department and caravanned to each school to distribute the essential educational materials to the 10 elementary schools in National City.</p>
<p>Among the materials there were notebooks, pocket folders, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, crayons, backpacks, fruit, and other assorted materials that elementary schools use on a daily basis to help advance the learning process of the young community members.</p>
<p>“All students need an opportunity to get the best education they can,” National City Police Department Chief Manuel Rodriguez stated. “It is our community’s hope that by providing these basic supplies to our students, they will have the opportunity to start the year full of confidence.”</p>
<p>Lincoln Acres School was the first site visited. Around 500 students were benefited in each school by the supply drive.</p>
<p>“We started with a few boxes of supplies visiting schools and almost giving a box to each school,” said National City Mayor Ron Morrison. “Now, we have pallets full of supplies that we give to each school.”</p>
<p>Lincoln Acres School Principal, Luz Vicario mentioned that the children got really excited when they heard they were going to receive new school supplies.</p>
<p>“The boys and girls were so excited to receive a new backpack and supplies, who doesn’t love to receive new school supplies,” Vicario said. “We are very grateful and thankful because teachers also put a lot of their own money at times to make sure the students don’t go without materials, so this is very helpful all around.”</p>
<p>Sullivan mentioned that the supply drive is only one of many community events hosted by the National City Police Department.</p>
<p>“It’s always important to have a good relationship with our community. Obviously when dealing with children, they are very impressionable, and a lot of the goals and the mission we have with the National City Police Department is to give back to the community,” Sullivan said. “One of the things we really want to press upon the children is that when they see an officer it’s not a bad thing.”</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido