New Blueprint to Improve Health and Wellbeing Launched

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<p>The Clinton Foundation, the San Diego Foundation, and the County of San Diego convened key thought leaders and local stakeholders to launch a detailed plan to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in the San Diego region.</p>
<p>This “Strong Families, Thriving Communities Blueprint for Action” focuses on increasing equity and effectiveness for families who interact with San Diego’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems by aligning policies, practices, and resources.</p>
<p>Stakeholders and local leaders unveiled the blueprint at the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA in San Diego, on Monday, March 13.</p>
<p>“The past year, we have worked with over a hundred different stakeholders in the community to do an in-depth evaluation into the child welfare and juvenile justice systems in San Diego,” said Alex Chan, CEO of the Clinton Foundation Health Matters Initiative. “The result is today’s Blueprint – a number of significant, actionable steps that build on the existing work of the County, the San Diego Foundation, and countless others in the community. Working hand-in-hand with a growing coalition of partners to implement the steps in the Blueprint, these efforts will help improve the health and well-being of children across San Diego.”</p>
<p>The event included a speech by Youth Services Coordinator in Just in Time for Foster Youth, Felicia Reyes, whose childhood was a challenge as she was part of the foster system.</p>
<p>Reyes shared her struggles and how she was able to succeed with the help of others.</p>
<p>“Our future is at stake,” shared Kathlyn Mead, president and CEO of the San Diego Foundation. “Our partnership aims to advance systems change and improve outcomes for some of our most vulnerable children and families. Partners and coalition members are unified in our desire that all San Diego families have the opportunity to live well and thrive. We commend the coalition for development of and dedication to this blueprint for action, and we will continue to support its implementation.”</p>
<p>The blueprint for action contains 29 bold action steps in four key focus areas: improving health behaviors, improving access to care, addressing social and economic factors, and improving the physical environment.</p>
<p>“The Blueprint for Action is an exciting development that builds on the success we have established through Live Well San Diego, our regional vision for healthy, safe and thriving communities,” said San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox. “We want to ensure that every child and family has an opportunity to reach their highest potential, and the Blueprint represents the input of a number of stakeholders on how we can work together to make that possible. As the old adage says: If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”</p>
<p>The Clinton Foundation Health Matters Initiative is implementing the Blueprint for Action model. It’s currently being adopted in areas across the country, including Adams County, Mississippi; Central Arkansas; Knox County, Illinois; Northeast Florida; and Houston, Texas. The Coachella Valley of California recently completed its five-year Blueprint implementation and is continuing to work to improve health and wellness.</p>
<p>Former President, Bill Clinton established the Clinton Foundation for nearly two decades ago.</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido