New California Laws for 2012

 ¡No Se Deje!
By Attorney Jess J. Araujo

Every year the state of California enacts hundreds of new laws. While some of the new laws become effective during the year, the vast majority of new laws become effective on January 1st of the following year. More than 700 new laws passed in 2011 took effect on January 1, 2012.

The following are just a few of the new laws that became effective in California in Jan.

Children younger than 8 years old must use a child car seat while riding in a vehicle unless the child is at least 4 ft. 9 inches tall. The fine for violation is at least $475.00. Employers can no longer obtain or use credit reports of employees or job applicants to make employment related decisions, although there is an exception for police officers and employees in finance related jobs. Domestic same sex partners now have the same rights as heterosexual married partners including health insurance, hospital and jail visitation, and inheritance and alimony rights.

California school textbooks and history classes must now include the accomplishments and contributions of gay and lesbian people. All applicants for a drivers’ license or a California identification card must state whether or not they want their body organs donated when they die.

Drivers that are stopped at a checkpoint must now submit to a sobriety test. Police officers can no longer impound the vehicles of drivers whose only offense is not having a drivers’ license.

Drivers whose license to drive is suspended for one year for reckless driving can apply for a restricted drivers’ license prior to the completion of the year suspension if they install an ignition interlock device. It is now unlawful to cause a vehicle to cross solid double white lines unless specifically permitted. Drivers convicted of 3 or more drunk driving offenses can have their drivers’ licenses revoked for 10 years. They can apply to have their licenses reinstated after 5 years if they install an ignition interlock device. Their licenses will be revoked again if the device is removed from the vehicle.

It is now a crime for anyone to go on the property of an elementary school and threaten, or have the intent to threaten, any student with harm or injury. The California Dream Act now allows undocumented immigrant students to apply for and receive public education financial aid. And, undocumented immigrant college students are now permitted to serve in student government. The maximum amount for claims in Small Claims Court has been increased to $10,000.00. Employers that do not comply with orders by the California Labor Commission or pay their employees at least the legal minimum wage must pay restitution (back wages) as well as civil penalties and, criminal charges can be filed. And, employers must now allow women to take up to 4 months off for pregnancy disability. Courts can now consider the relationship between a child and a non-biological parent child custody disputes. ¡No Se Deje!

Lic. Araujo is an expert commentarist related to legal matters. For information 1-800-248-4100. Web Site:
