New Highway Will Alleviate Traffic in Otay Mesa

By  Alexandra Mendoza
This past weekend, the first segment of State Route 11 opened to the public in Otay Mesa. In the coming years, the highway will connect traffic all the way to the new East Port of Entry.
The four-lane, 1.7 mile stretch of highway currently connects SR905 down to Enrico Fermi Drive.
The project’s first phase required a $103.4-million investment, and was developed jointly by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and the California Department of Transportation.
The highway will greatly benefit trucks crossing northbound through Otay Mesa, as it will provide them direct highway access.

“Building 21st century border infrastructure is incredibly important to the economic vitality of our region and the entire state of California”, stated County Supervisor and SANDAG Board Chair Ron Roberts.
“Mexico is California’s number one export market, and it’s the United States’ third largest trading partner after Canada and China. We are committed to building world-class infrastructure to nurture and sustain binational trade and support job growth”, added Mr. Roberts.

The State Route will also provide access to Otay Mesa’s industrial facilities.
SR-11 is part of the project to build a second border crossing in Otay Mesa – which is expected to be a tolled facility – in order to alleviate the increasing traffic congestion. Once built, the new border crossing would offer the alternative of having a maximum 20-minute border wait time in exchange for paying a toll, authorities said.

Caltrans District Director Laurie Berman shared that while the project moves forward, both passenger vehicles and trucks will be able to use the new highway to have better access to the Otay highway system.
“This partially completed project will reduce traffic and congestion on local streets, getting travelers to their destination”.

The second phase of the project will extend the highway all the way to what will be the new Port of Entry, which will be built in the third and final phase. Construction on both phases will reportedly begin as soon as the funding becomes available.