The Next Mayor of Chula Vista needs to be a leader!


When we take a look at the candidates who are running for mayor of Chula Vista, the first thing we are given is a vision by the candidates that outline their plans for the city. We take a quick look, ask a few questions and file that information away.

That is the thing about politicians and their campaigns – they all have wonderful plans and visions, but all too often mirror each other’s vision. In the case of Chula Vista we constantly hear about a university, moving the bay front plan ahead, more police, more fire protection, and the usual talking points. Lots of promises but rarely do those promises come to fruition.

Politicians usually tell us what we want to hear.

In order to determine who would be right person to lead Chula Vista for the next four years, between Mary Salas and Jerry Rindone, we have to look past the promises and take a look at their track record and see what they have accomplished. Have they shown themselves to be leaders, do they have the vision and the ability to follow through as demonstrated by their past actions?

In the case of Mary Salas we have taken a look at her record and we couldn’t find a time where we felt that Salas stood out as a leader on any one issue. Her years on the City Council from 1996 to 2004 were un-remarkable. What does stand out is that she was a part of the Steve Padilla City Council that depleted the City’s reserve funds from $40 million to $10 million.

As a member of the State Assembly she again was a low-key representative. We can compare her first term in the Assembly to that of Marty Block who succeeded her. Block came out fighting for a university in Chula Vista, was active in hosting meetings and moving the issue forward. Salas on the other hand was hardly heard from on any one issue.

We took a look at her web page and there was not much there in the way of accomplishments. We did a Google search and did not find much information. And despite her long career in politics her Wikipedia page was simple, just not much there.

What Mary Salas is, she is a good Democratic soldier. She votes the Party line and she works hard for the Party. The only problem with that is that the Democratic Party hasn’t been the best of friends for the Hispanic community (see President Obama on the immigration issue). For the Democratic Party, Hispanic voters are just a commodity. With that said, we are not enamored with the Democratic Party and it doesn’t mean as much as it once did!

Then there is the nagging issue with her close relationship with the former mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner. When Salas was sworn in as a city council member, Jan 2013, the only person standing with her was then mayor, Bob Filner. Later in the year Filner was out of office, disgraced after multiple sexual harassment cases were made public. Those assaults spanned several years. We don’t know if she was naive or just a good Democratic soldier and looked the other way!

Jerry Rindone normally wouldn’t be our first choice. He is a Republican and the Republican Party and the Hispanic community are like water and oil, they just don’t mix together.

Then there is the fact Rindone is a part of the good old boy system in Chula Vista and a part of the ruling elite that have been a part of Chula Vista for a long time now despite the growth of the Hispanic community.

But when it comes to leading a city at a time with the economic and employment turnaround, it takes a leader with the knowledge and history of making it work, who takes the bull by the horns and makes decisive decisions and that is what Rindone has over Salas.

Rindone has shown the ability to work across Party lines and has proposed and endorsed progressive ideas such as a living wage for Metropolitan Transit System workers when he served on the board. Rindone has had a successful career in education, making Hilltop High School one of the premier high schools in the region. Education is his area of expertise, also serving on the County Board of Education. Rindone also has a diverse background in business, most recently serving as president of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce.

It comes down to the question of who do we have the most faith in as a leader for the City of Chula Vista. Despite the good old boy albatross and Republican Party, we believe that person is Jerry Rindone.

We Endorse Jerry Rindone for Mayor of Chula Vista.

