<p>Two upcoming exhibitions at the New Americans Museum (the NAM) at Liberty Station look to inspire a greater understanding of the impact of war both on the individual and on our American society.</p>
<p>, opening July 15th, is a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution that raises questions of national identity, of the veterans’ place in our society, of the moral, human and economic costs of war, and of the stereotypes that color our understanding of war through portraits and essays of veterans themselves.</p>
<p>The exhibition will be complemented by new interpretive text, graphic elements, educational and programming resources, and a complete graphics package.</p>
<p>Featuring 100 portraits of veterans, the subjects represent a cross-section of those who served and reflect a variety of military branches, job descriptions, and cultural backgrounds. <em>100 Faces of War </em>is an exhibition organized for travel by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in collaboration with artist Matt Mitchell.</p>
<p>In conjunction with the <em>100 Faces of War</em> exhibit, the New Americans Museum will be curating a special parallel exhibit highlighting the service and sacrifice of immigrant veterans.</p>
<p>Working with NAM on this focused project will be binational photographer David Maung, a photojournalist who has worked for the Smithsonian, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and News Week. His previous work has focused on binational social issues including a portrait series of deported immigrant veterans. The exhibit will feature local immigrant veterans and their stories to capture and highlight the diverse histories and backgrounds that make up our local community of veterans who are immigrants.</p>
<p>The New Americans Museum, located in the heart of Liberty Station in Point Loma, promotes understanding and interaction between newcomers and native-born Americans while helping our newest citizens connect with and prosper in their new homeland.</p>
<p><img loading="lazy" class="wp-image-52085 size-full alignright" src="http://laprensa-sandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Logo_NAM_horizo…; alt="" width="300" height="120">In addition to exhibits and special events, the NAM also hosts an annual Children’s Citizenship Swearing-In Ceremony for minors becoming US citizens. The official event is held in conjunction with the US Citizenship and Immigration Service to give these new Americans an opportunity to share their special day with their families, friends, and community.</p>
<p>During the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the NAM is open by appointment only by visiting <a href="http://www.newamericansmuseum.org">www.newamericansmuseum.org</a> or calling 619-756-7707.</p>
