CA First State to Take COVID-19 Loan from Feds

<p>The US federal government has offered loans to states to help them through the COVID-19 crisis and the state of California is now the first state to access those funds.</p>
<p>California borrowed the first tranche of funds this week when it pulled down $348 million to help cover unexpectedly high unemployment benefit payments to more than 3.7 million displaced workers, and the state could access up to $10 billion of loans through July. The state began the year with over $3.1 billion in its unemployment insurance trust fund but has already distributed more than $1.2 billion to unemployed workers.</p>
<p>But other states are also preparing to access federal loans after Illinois was approved for up to $12.6 billion and Connecticut was approved for up to $1.1 billion in loans.</p>
<p>Overall, more than 26 million people in the US have applied for unemployment insurance after either losing their jobs or having their hours reduced during the coronavirus pandemic.</p>
<p>The US Treasury Department expects that most states will request federal loans during or after this crisis.</p>
<p>California’s current year annual budget is $214.8 billion and expected to have a $19.2 billion reserve, including $16.5 billion in a “Rainy Day Fund”, $1.4 billion in a Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties, $900 million in a Safety Net Reserve, and nearly $400 million in a Public School System Stabilization Account.</p>
<p>For far this year, the State has already experienced higher than anticipated costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including additional emergency services, health care, unemployment, and education costs as it moved quickly to react to the crisis. The State’s fiscal year ends on June 30.</p>
<p>The federal loans will help ensure the State has sufficient cash on hand to meet immediate costs and will be repaid over several years. California borrowed $11 billion from the federal government during the “Great Recession: after 2008 and didn’t finish repaying the loans back until 2018.</p>

Arturo Castañares