Students Receive Free Books to “Flex Their Reading Muscles” This Summer

<p><img loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="200" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-50389" srcset="… 300w,… 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></p>
<p>Rock Springs Elementary School in Escondido hosted its first annual Oasis Tutoring Book Giveaway on Friday, May 17. The Book Giveaway is part of a partnership between the San Diego Oasis Intergenerational Literacy Tutoring Program and the Escondido Union School District to prevent the loss of reading skills that often occurs over summer vacation and that disproportionately affects lower income children. By the end of this school year, Oasis tutors will give away more than 3,000 books, with students choosing three books to keep for themselves.</p>
<p>For almost 30 years, San Diego Oasis has trained older adults to serve as one-on-one tutors for elementary school children who struggle with reading. “Having a person who comes each week just to spend time reading with a student is life-changing,” explained Rock Springs Principal Elizabeth Ramirez. “We all hope that every child has someone to help them at home, but unfortunately that’s not always true. With the help of Oasis tutors, teachers can select those students who really need this personal connection to unlock their academic potential.” </p>
<p>“We are very grateful for the support that we received from the Escondido Union School District and generous donors to provide books to young students who may not own very many books,” said Simona Valanciute, President and CEO of San Diego Oasis. “Hosting this Book Fair as part of our Tutoring Program encourages each child to continue reading outside of the classroom and to develop a love of books. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to read at or above grade level.” </p>
<p>Special thanks to Nordson Corporation Foundation, The Charitable Foundation, the Zable Foundation and the Boys &amp; Girls Foundation for making the Book Giveaway possible at Rock Springs Elementary.</p>
<p>Escondido Union School District serves more than 15,300 students in preschool through 8th grade at 23 campuses in the City of Escondido. In partnership with children, employees, parents, and community members, EUSD is committed to actualizing the unlimited potential of every learner through high-quality rigorous instruction, a safe and secure environment, fiscal responsibility, and a collaborative and diverse culture that promotes creativity, responsibility, and trust among all stakeholders.</p>
<p>San Diego Oasis is a nonprofit organization serving people 50 and over by offering over 2,400 lifelong learning and healthy living classes and volunteer community service opportunities. Oasis is committed to helping older adults address the challenges of isolation and sedentary behaviors by providing socialization and active engagement.</p>

Susana Villegas