Immigrant Activists to Celebrate Holiday Fundraiser

<p> <img loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="232" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-48992" srcset="… 232w,… 501w" sizes="(max-width: 232px) 100vw, 232px"></p>
<p>After a year of resistance and action in favor of DACA recipients and other groups affected by the hostile immigration policies of the Trump administration, immigrant activist group <a href="">San Diego Border Dreamers</a> (SDBD) will be hosting a <a href="">holiday party next Friday, Dec. 21,</a> to celebrate their work and to raise funds for future activities.</p>
<p>Throughout the year, SDBD has been present at many calls to action and forums related to immigration issues, all on a volunteer basis. Individually, group members have also gone inside ICE facilities, participated in informational talks regarding immigration topics, awareness campaigns, and much more. </p>
<p>SDBD director <a href="… Garcia</a> shared some details of the upcoming festivity to be held at Barrio Logan’s Bread and Salt.</p>
<p>“Our community has been constantly attacked by this presidential administration and continues to this day. So we are inviting the community to this party”, said Garcia, who works as an immigration lawyer.</p>
<p>The posada, as holiday parties are known in Mexico and Latin American countries, will feature Mexica dancers, ballet folklorico performances, a reading by an activist poet, an installation displaying SDBD members, and a holiday market featuring gifts and artwork. Typical posada foods such as tamales, ponche, and other offerings will also be available. All funds will go to SDBD. </p>
<p>In addition to fundraising, the event also looks to provide a break from the pressure which constantly threatened immigrant communities live with. </p>
<p>“We need a celebration and a way to unload some of that stress we carry as immigrants,” Garcia explained.</p>
<p>Garcia says that a posada is an ideal venue for a healing space, as in Mexican culture there is always good to be found no matter how difficult things might get.</p>
<p>“That is the beautiful thing about our culture, we find the good in a crisis and we even dance and sign instead of crying and those song we sing are also like a way of healing a bit,” she pointed out. “We want to breathe for a little bit and celebrate our efforts and let people know there is much to do ahead.”</p>
<p>And while a lot of good work and advocacy was done in 2018, Garcia sees 2019 as a tougher year and one in which more hope will be needed to keep moving forward.</p>
<p>“The hope I have is that people keep resisting and remain positive and become even more solidary. The only faith I have is in the community and in our efforts because this administration is not going to improve things,” she stated.</p>
<p>Donations in benefit of the Central American refugee exodus in Tijuana will be accepted at the event, which will be distributed by immigrant humanitarian aid group Border Angels.</p>
<p>Bread and Salt is located at 1955 Julian Avenue. </p>

Mario A. Cortez