South Bay Youth Soccer Players to Compete in Spain

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<p>A group of talented soccer players is headed off to Salou, Spain this spring as part of a team which will compete against some of the best youth teams in the world at a prestigious event known as the “Little World Cup.”</p>
<p>The San Diego Football Center’s Youth Leadership Academy has received an invitation to compete in the 2018 edition of the Mundialito youth soccer tournament. </p>
<p>“Due to our Youth Leadership Academy’s impressive local annual work we received an exclusive invitation to bring three teams of 12 players to compete,” read a press release from the SDFC. </p>
<p>As part of their delegation, SDFC will send out teams made up of players born in 2006, 2007, and 2008 respectively.</p>
<p>San Diego’s South Bay region will be represented by four players in the 2007 team. </p>
<p>Diego Valles, Fernando Renteria, Santiago Valadez, and Oliver Holt are the four young talents who will be taking to the pitch in Spain as part of the SDFC academy representatives. </p>
<p>Tomas Valles, father of Santiago Valles, told La Prensa San Diego that these four players have been playing together for some time at the club level and have a rigorous training regimen. </p>
<p>“Right now, they play together at San Diego Surf and they train for times a week with the club and they are playing three or four games a week too,” Valles detailed. </p>
<p>“The group is playing very well and we feel that the boys will do a good job representing San Diego on an international platform,” Valles added.</p>
<p>Agustín Valadez, father of Santiago Valadez, said that this opportunity should be a great experience for these players, as they will get to face very challenging opponents. </p>
<p>Now in its 25th year, Mundialito gathers youth soccer clubs to compete in a seven-a-side format tournament, divided into respective age groups from eight to 12 years of age.</p>
<p>Every year, European powerhouses such as Paris Saint-Germain, FC Barcelona, Juventus, and Real Madrid, send standout players to compete in the tournament. Delegations from countries such as Mexico, Turkey, Japan, Portugal, Italy, Germany, and England also compete in the tournament. </p>
<p>With per-person expenses surpassing the $3,000 dollar mark, the club has been fundraising and continues to in order to bring down the costs of travel and transportation. </p>
<p>On Saturday, March 10, the families of these four players and the club held a fundraiser event in Chula Vista, where attendees were able to purchase meal combos by Rubio’s and raffle tickets to help cover the cost of travel. </p>
<p>The Mundialito 2018 tournament will take place from March 24 through April 1.</p>

Mario A. Cortez