Don Dawil Releases Debut Single

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<p>Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Dominican-born musician Don Dawil is releasing a song for anyone who has ever missed someone they love.</p>
<p>Dawil tells La Prensa San Diego that “Necesito Verte”, his debut single which he is promoting, is inspired by the feelings that came about when he was far away from his then-girlfriend and his loved ones while he was on deployment with the U.S. Navy.</p>
<p>“The song is very personal,” Dawil said. “It is a song which I wrote during a time in which I did not have the ease to communicate with my girlfriend and my relatives in the Dominican Republic.”</p>
<p>Dawil recalls that seeing missed calls on his phone during deployments brought on so many feelings that he did not know how to react.</p>
<p>“Back then, I was so confused about how I felt after spending so much time away from each other,” Dawil confessed. “So much time had passed since we last saw each other and I felt that we lost our connection.”</p>
<p>The only way in which Dawil, who has been writing music since his teenage years, could express his feelings was through writing his song.</p>
<p>“I didn’t know how to explain to her what was happening, so I wrote the song thinking about her and the way in which I act when it is hard for me to communicate with someone,” he shared.</p>
<p>The single begins with soft piano notes and delves into Latin pop and tropical rhythms. The lyrics are intimate and evoke strong feelings from Dawil, who reflects on not being able to be close to his love and the distance between them.</p>
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<p>“If you have ever woken up and the first thing you want to do is see someone you haven’t been with in a long time, this song is about you,” Dawil stated. “If you once didn’t answer a phone call because you felt that the distance was like a wall, this song is for you.”</p>
<p>“Necesito Verte” was co produced by Dawil and local producer Francisco Morales at National City’s Bedclub Studios. Dawil, who is a San Diego resident, records music when he has time in between military duties.</p>
<p>With “Necesito Verte”, the Dominican looks to take his first steps into the music industry, something he has wanted to do for a long time.</p>
<p>“I have prepared for this all of my life and I know that it is the time to share my music with the world,” he closed.</p>
<p>“Necesito Verte” drops Feb. 9 on digital platforms.</p>

Mario A. Cortez