San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Anniversary

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<p>The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce celebrated their 147th anniversary with nearly 1,000 business, community, and elected leaders at the Marriott Marquis &amp; Marina, on Tuesday, Feb. 6.</p>
<p>The event celebrated the Chamber’s partners and members and the accomplishments achieved over the past year. </p>
<p>“The Chamber has grown in its ability to serve the region with new leadership programs that are cultivating the next generation of leaders,” said Jerry Sanders, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce president and CEO. “Together with our partners in business and the community we are taking steps to make a meaningful impact on San Diego.”</p>
<p>The Chamber also shared its priorities for 2018, which included a focus on leadership and inviting each person across the region to “take the lead.”</p>
<p>This includes taking the lead as the region’s authoritative voice on issues of critical importance to the business community, such as the Convention Center, NAFTA and comprehensive immigration reform. It also marks the next chapter for LEAD San Diego, which became a Chamber affiliate in 2017.</p>
<p>“Together with LEAD, the Chamber has a real opportunity to engage even more San Diegans who want to be involved and give back to our region and I am excited to be part of that growth,” said Chamber Board Chair, Sam Attisha, Senior Vice President and Region Manager of Cox Communications. “By developing leaders of tomorrow invested in the future of San Diego we will continue to propel the region forward as a great place to do business.”</p>
<p>Acclaimed filmmaker Brett Culp, whose film “Legends of the Knight” raised more than $100,000 for charity, delivered keynote remarks on the potential each has for leadership that can make a meaningful, lasting impact. </p>
<p>The Chamber also presented two awards to local leaders who have made a difference in the community, including Susan Salka, CEO, President and Director of AMN Healthcare, who received the “Moving San Diego Forward” award, which recognizes an individual whose work is improving San Diego and putting the region on the map.</p>
<p>Herb Johnson received the “Herb Klein Spirit of San Diego” award, which honors someone who has made a significant and lasting impact on the San Diego region. Johnson is well known for his 11- year leadership as president and CEO of San Diego Rescue Mission, during which he grew the organization’s capabilities in serving the region’s homeless population.</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido