Art Project Illustrates Dream Act Support

<p> <a href="… loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="184" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-43164" srcset="… 300w,… 967w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a></p>
<p>A travelling photography project allowed visitors to NTC Liberty Station to voice their support for the Dream Act by giving a face to the movement to have this important piece of legislation passed. </p>
<p>Inside/Out Dreamers, a concept by the French artist known as JR, made a two-day stop in San Diego, which began on Monday, Oct. 30. </p>
<p>The installation is made up of a mobile photo booth in which participants can have a black-and white, three-by-four foot portrait printed. Portraits depicting the faces of Dream Act supporters such as immigrants, family and friends of immigrants, and locals concerned by this topic will be part of a pasted mural which will be displayed on the walls of a building at Liberty Station’s Arts District.</p>
<p>Local activist leaders organizations were present to participate and voice their concern about the subject. </p>
<p>“Those of us who are living in San Diego and are participating in this project want to strongly declare our support out support for the dreamers,” said Enrique Morones, founder and director of Immigrant-rights group Border Angels. “We cannot remain silent, we have to be furious with this situation and have to participate in voicing our stance with letters and peaceful protests and activism so that the Dream Act can pass.”</p>
<p>The event opening featured a small press conference where local immigration activists and supporters of the Dream Act spoke on its importance. Speakers also projected words to urge representatives to support the enactment of life changing policy for many undocumented immigrants. </p>
<p>Ali, a prospective medical school student, spoke to attendees and participants about how similar laws have helped him move closer to his dream in the United States.</p>
<p>“I was in community college for a long time and I couldn’t transfer out because I couldn’t get funding, but when the California Dream Act and DACA were enacted I was able to transfer to a university,” Ali said. “Before that, I couldn’t even volunteer in hospitals or clinics because they do background checks, now I can pursue my dream of being a doctor.”</p>
<p>“I hope representatives consider us when they have to vote on something that will influence our lives I hope they really keep us in mind when they cast their vote,” Ali added.</p>
<p>Inside/Out Dreamers will be touring several cities in the United States in the upcoming months. </p>
<p>JR recently received worldwide attention for “Kikito”, an installation on the U.S.-Mexico border which depicted a 60-foot tall infant peeking over the border. </p>

Mario A. Cortez