Affordable Housing Opens in San Diego

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<p>The cost of renting a place to live in San Diego can surpass $2,000 a month, an amount that most San Diegans earning minimum wage simply cannot afford.<br>
It is estimated that in San Diego County, families allocate as much as 60 percent of their income to paying rent, keeping thousands of mostly Latino families in poverty.</p>
<p>“There are many young Latinos, as well as many Hispanic monolingual, recently-immigrated families who could qualify for lower rents,” shared Venus Molina, a member of Council District 4 Representative Myrtle Cole’s staff.</p>
<p>To address the issue faced by low-income residents, Chelsea Investment Corp built the Ouchi Courtyards apartment complex. It offers units for as low as $500 to $600 a month, well below the average rental price in San Diego County.</p>
<p>The complex is located at 5003 Imperial Avenue, an area where close to 55 percent of residents are Latino.</p>
<p>“This is a great opportunity for them, because many times their need to have access to transit while living comfortably is not considered,” stated project collaborator Rosina Gallego.</p>
<p>Ouchi Courtyards is comprised of 45 two and three-bedroom units, with seven apartments set aside for people with developmental disabilities. At the complex, residents will enjoy amenities such as laundry facilities, a community room, a playground, and barbecues.</p>
<p><strong>SAN DIEGO RENT IS EXPENSIVE</strong></p>
<p>San Diego is the 12th most expensive place to rent in the U.S., according to the National Rent Report published by Zumper, an apartment rental website.<br>
The same report ranks San Francisco, New York, San Jose, Boston, and Washington, D.C. as its top-five most expensive rental markets.</p>
<p>For San Diego, the website lists the average rental price for a one-bedroom at $1,600 a month, and $2,200 for a two-bedroom.</p>
<p>The city with the lowest rent listed on its Top-100 was Toledo, Ohio, at $460 for a one-bedroom and $580 for a two-bedroom unit.<br>
San Francisco remains at number one, coming in at $3,370 for a one-bedroom and $4,500 for a two-bedroom.</p>

Antonio Aviles