Luisa Rosenfeld: Starting All Over Again

<p> <a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-39420"><img loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="300" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-39420" srcset="… 300w,… 150w,… 423w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a></p>
<p>Many people run into difficulty in their career paths. But those who have run into dead ends and have found a way to keep advancing, such as Luisa Rosenfeld, are examples of what determination can do on your way to reaching personal goals.</p>
<p>Born in Mexico City, Luisa set a goal of running her own design agency. During her college years, she formally trained in design, and established her own agency to learn outside the classroom. </p>
<p>“Before leaving college I wanted to have my agency so I could see how things are done in the real world,” Luisa said to La Prensa San Diego. “Although I hardly slept, I was working and learning outside the classroom.”</p>
<p>By creating her own agency, Luisa managed to have an edge over their classmates by gaining professional experience before her graduation. Shortly after graduating from college in 1987, Luisa focused on the production of shirts for companies and design on paper.</p>
<p>Luisa came to work with important companies such as Pepsi, Televisa, and Purina, as well as with several small businesses.<br>
Luisa recalls her impact while designing for Ocean Pacific, a clothing company.</p>
<p>“I made their jeans labels. At that time they were very low in market relevance, and in a year I took Ocean Pacific to second place in market popularity, only behind Levi’s.” </p>
<p>Despite achieving success and recognition within her professional environment relatively quickly, Luisa decided come to San Diego to learn about computer programs how their use could be applied to her career. </p>
<p>In San Diego, Luisa enrolled in extension courses at UCSD where she learned about computers and English. Shortly after completing their courses, Luisa returned to Mexico but returned to San Diego shortly afterward.</p>
<p>When she returned, Luisa faced some hard times. She had many problems in her job search in San Diego, and after passing through much difficulty, she eventually accepted a job in a bank in Tijuana. </p>
<p>“I worked for Banamex in the marketing department”, Luisa said. “From there I was asked to go to their secured assets and investments department, which which handles properties the bank has come to own but hasn’t liquidated.” </p>
<p>In a year’s time, Luisa managed to sell the bank’s assets. After that, she was promoted to the regional manager position of the Baja California region.</p>
<p>After becoming a mother, Luisa tried to run her own business again, now in San Diego. This time she opened a pewter and talavera arts and crafts importing business. This company lasted a few years, but closed when other companies began importing Chinese product at a lower price than Luisa offered.</p>
<p>Luisa decided to open another company, this time another design agency. Since 2001, LogosZ, her design company, has been dedicated to branding several items. </p>
<p>“When I started LogosZ I began with with clothes and t-shirts, and from there I started making uniforms, and then work on paper printing, posters and much more,” said Luisa. “Then we went on to wrapping cars, doing signs, office decorations, and stickers.” </p>
<p>Since then, Luisa have been having success in his career. But at the same time, a new challenge came into her life: understanding the school system on this side of the border. </p>
<p>“When I enrolled my children in school not knowing how the U.S. school system worked made me get involved,” said Luisa.<br>
From being involved in her kid’s school, Luisa became involved in the district, and then at the county schools level.</p>
<p>On her free time Luisa has been the at the front of the issues that affect the Latino students, and has worked to be able establish programs in language immersion for English learners, to support groups of parents who do not know the school system in California, and to deliver books to low income schools, among many other causes for benefit the benefit of our schools and students. Although Luisa works 12 hours a day, she always finds time to help in schools.</p>
<p>Luisa decided to end her interview with La Prensa San Diego with a message to the reader.</p>
<p>“Nothing is easy but goals can be reached. Many believe that the American dream comes true right when you arrive. For many has been easy but I had to start all over again to get to where I am,” Luisa said. “With great effort, we always continue to move forward.”</p>

Mario A. Cortez