AEM Helps Mexican Businessmen Succeed in the U.S.

<p>The Mexican Entrepreneur Association (AEM) was established in 1996 by a group of Mexican entrepreneurs seeking to boost success among fellow Mexican entrepreneurs.<br>
AEM’s mission is to create business opportunities that promote progress and innovation, by strengthening ties and developing programs that help and guide business people and young entrepreneurs to become global leaders for their companies’ growth, development, and success.<br>
A binational chapter was established in San Diego almost four years ago. AEM San Diego president Antonio Maldonado mentioned he is planning to increase the forums to inform and connect businessmen in the region.<br>
“In my first year as president we organized several events with different speakers who offered relevant information to our members,” Maldonado said. “We also had two panels, one regarding fiscal information for businesses in the United States, and other about immigration issues for businessmen.”<br>
Past events in the local chapter include a presentation by Agustin Barrios-Gomez, a federal congressman during the 62nd Legislature of the Mexican Congress from 2012 through 2015, about U.S.-Mexico relations.<br>
“It was a great conference. He gave us his perspective as a federal congressman in Mexico,” Maldonado said. “Barrios-Gomez also gave a presentation at the San Antonio Chapter in Texas, and has now become a member of the AEM’s Advisors Board at a national level.”<br>
Manuel J. Molano, Deputy General Manager at the Mexican Institute for Competitivity, was another speaker at a past AEM event.<br>
“Molano talked about the economic impact of the political policies that republican presidential candidate Donald Trump proposes, which would be catastrophic,” Maldonado said. “If Trump does what he says he would do, it will have a big impact on Mexico.”<br>
Networking is also a big part of AEM’s functions.<br>
“We get together to connect, we talk among members but we also invite people outside AEM to know how we can help each other,” Maldonado said.<br>
More than 200 business leaders of the Mexican business community, and high-ranking government officials will convene to strengthen the leadership and networking capacity of AEM at a summit held in Washington, D.C. from October 3 through the fifth. The summit includes a White House keynote address from vice-president Joe Biden.<br>
“On the first day, we are going to have a series of talks among the chapter presidents of AEM,” Maldonado mentioned. “On the following days we are going to have conferences held by renowned Mexican businessmen like Alejandro Ramirez, CEO of Cinepolis, Mexico’s largest movie theater chain, who is going to talk about doing business at a global level.”<br>
These summits and conferences all fit into AEM’s plans to foster success for its members.<br>
“The objective of AEM is to help the Mexican businessmen to succeed, and to assist American businesspeople to do business in Mexico,” Maldonado added. “In the local chapter, AEM is planning to implement peer-to-peer forums, where members can talk about how their business is going.”<br>
There are over 1,800 overall AEM members and almost 90 members in AEM San Diego.</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido