Hair Donation Drive for Women Battling Cancer


Por Ana Gómez Salcido Sonia Lopez-after

Southern California hair donors will get together at Pechanga Resort & Casino in Temecula for a ponytail cutting event to kick off October’s observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

More than 30 men and women, as well as a few kids, are expected to get eight or more inches of hair cut off all at once in the Pechanga hotel lobby next Thursday, September 29 at 10:30 a.m.

“This is the fourth year of collecting hair donations, which are used for wigs given to women battling cancer. This year  will be the first time the event will bring together all the donors in one place,” said Ciara Green, public relations manager of Pechanga Resort & Casino. In the last three years, donors cut their hair at the Pechanga Resort & Casino’s Spa on their own time.

People interested in donating their hair at Thursday’s event need to send an email to to reserve a spot, as the donation drive is not going to be open for walk-ins.

People interested in donating, but are unable to go to Thursday’s event, can still donate their hair during October at the Pechanga Resort & Casino’s Spa, which is open every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. To schedule an appointment at the Pechanga Resort & Casino’s Spa people cancall (951) 770-8501.

Green said that donors will receive a free styled hair cut during Thursday’s event and throughout October.

Donors should have at least eight inches of clean hair, without bleached or permanently colored hair. Also the donation can’t have more than 5 percent gray hair.

“This is something small, but is something that really means something for women who are battling cancer”, Green said. “We want to raise awareness for breast cancer, and do something that would be meaningful for people undergoing breast cancer, and we tried to do it in a way that is unique.”

An expected donor at Thursday’s event is Sonia Lopez, from Pechanga Resort & Casino’s Human Resources Department.

“This will be the third time I donate my hair. My dad died from prostate cancer nine years ago, and this is something that I started doing because my hair grows very fast and is very thick. I’m lucky that it grows so fast. I feel that if I can help someone else by having my hair cut and donating it, then why not,” Lopez said. “After experiencing and seeing someone go through cancer, the stages, and what it does to the person’s body, its truly a very difficult experience and it brings me pleasure to know that if I cut my hair it is going to make someone else happy.”

Lopez mentioned that her sister followed her lead, and that she also donated her hair three months ago.

“I urge the lucky men and women that have growing hair to donate and make someone else happy,” Lopez added. “Cutting and donating your hair is a wonderful feeling for a great cause.”