County Supervisor Cox Elected to National Post

By Mario A. Cortez IMG_2055

San Diego County Supervisor Greg Cox was elected as 2nd Vice President of the National Association of Counties (NACO) at the Association’s 81st Annual Conference held in Long Beach last week.

“I am deeply honored and appreciative of the opportunity to take on this new challenge,” said Cox. “No level of government impacts people more directly than county government and I strongly believe that it is critical for local government voices to be heard at the national level.”

Cox has served in multiple leadership roles with both NACo and the California State Association of Counties, where he is a past President. He has served in local government for over 40 years.

Cox’s broad experience led him to be appointed to the San Diego Regional Airport Authority and the California Coastal Commission. Cox also served on the National Ocean Council’s Governance Coordinating Committee, a group that advises the President on ocean policy issues.

In his new role, Cox will take ideas that have worked well in San Diego to a national level, including 2-1-1 San Diego, the County’s Live Well San Diego initiative and successful efforts to help veterans.

“Counties work every day with governments, community groups and the private sector to make a difference in our communities, and I want to see that counties also make a very real difference in setting the national agenda,” Cox stated.

Cox was reelected to a sixth and final term on the Board of Supervisors in the July primary election.

Since 1935, NACO gathers public officials from over 3,000 county governments across the United States to speak about  national policy, exchange ideas, pursue solutions and increase the public’s understanding of county government.

Prior to serving as a County Supervisor, Cox served two terms as Mayor of Chula Vista, as well as having served four years as a Councilman. Supervisor Cox has been elected to five terms, and is currently unopposed for a sixth and final term under term limits.