La Prensa San Diego in Philly

By Alberto Garcia Image-2

As hundreds of media outlets descended on Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention, La Prensa San Diego was here to cover the nomination and catch up with leading Latino political figures from California and around the country.

La Prensa caught up with San Diego Congressman Juan Vargas during a meeting of the Latino Caucus of the Democratic Party at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. At the meeting, Los Angeles Congressman Tony Cardenas, chair of the BOLD PAC, the fundraising arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, pleaded with delegates to help elect more Latinos to Congress to increase our legislative power in Washington, D.C.

At the caucus meeting, La Prensa also talked with Dolores Huerta, co-founder of Cesar Chavez’s United Farm Workers, as well as Congresswomen Linda and Loretta Sanchez, the only sister to ever serve concurrently in Congress, and Congressman Xavier Becerra from Los Angeles.

At the Convention, La Prensa caught up with Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor that famously confronted Donald Trump at a news conference in August of last year, when Trump attempted to dismiss the reporter with a flick of the hand, telling Ramos to “go back to Univision.” Ramos is unapologetic is calling Trump a bully. Another high profile Latino reporter, Jose Diaz-Balart also checked in with La Prensa.

Other Latino political stars La Prensa caught up with included Antonio Villaraigoza, the former Mayor of LA and U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro.

The Convention was a who’s-who of political heavyweights. La Prensa said hello to Rev. Jesse Jackson, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator Corey Booker, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and California’s outgoing U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, to name a few.

One of the highlights for La Prensa was a short conversation with journalistic legend Tom Brokaw, a veteran of many conventions and one of the last of the old generation of major news reporters.

La Prensa will continue to cover local, state, and national events to bring another perspective to our reporting.