Out Around Town – July 29, 2016

SD Bike Rentals Flat

The local bike rental program around the City of SD is suffering from low ridership. Rental racks around town offer short-term bicycle rentals to help reduce traffic. Both the City’s Climate Action Plan and SANDAG’s regional transportation plan have bike share programs in them. But a recent report by the County Grand Jury finds the program is dying. The City signed a 10-year deal with the company that runs the program, and no tax dollars are spent on the deal, but the City receives
a split of the revenues. The Grand Jury concluded the program needs to be revamped, add locations in high tourist areas, including Balboa Park and beach areas, and also at transit stops.


Mayor and DA at Odds

San Diego’s two highest ranking local politics are on opposite sides of an upcoming proposition. Kevin Faulconer and
Bonnie Dumanis, both Republicans, ended up on different sides of Prop 57, a statewide prop on the November ballot that could release prisoners early by allowing state prisons to award additional sentencing credits to inmates for good behavior and approved rehabilitative or educational achievements. Faulconer
is opposed; Dumanis supports it.


Judge Trumps Trump

San Diego Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel last week denied a motion to dismiss the lawsuit against Donald Trump’s failed real estate “school” called Trump University. The class action lawsuit claims students were defrauded by Trump’s school that promised insider tips on real estate investing but the information was easy to find on the Internet. Trump has criticized Judge Curiel, claiming the Judge is biased against him because the Judge “is a Mexican.” Judge Curiel
was born in Indiana. The case should be heard in November after the elections.

