Judge Holds Off on Release of Trump University Testimony

By Alexandra Mendoza 

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who has been the target of attacks from Donald Trump, heard arguments from both parties in the lawsuit against Trump University, relating to whether or not Trump’s deposition videos will be made public.

The collective lawsuit against Trump, which has garnered international attention, accuses presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and Trump University of defrauding people who signed up for real estate seminars.

The group of students states that they paid up to $35,000 tp learn the “secrets of success” of the millionaire real estate mogul, but instead, were shown infomercials, according to official documents.

During the first hearing held this Wednesday in federal court, Daniel Petrocelli, Trump’s lawyer, insisted that the release of the videos of the presumptive nominee would only affect his campaign and would make the selection of an impartial jury difficult.

Trump’s attorney insisted that if these videos were to be made public, they would be wrongfully used for “political advertisements” and for matters not related to the trial.

While some of the transcripts have been made public, a coalition of media outlets demand that the same be done with the deposition videos to have a better grasp on the declarations made by the candidate.

Attorneys representing students coincide in that the videos present “a more complete picture” than the transcripts.

Attorney Jason Forge agreed with Trump’s defense by saying that “we live in a visual world” and that no one has exploited that fact than the candidate, which is why he believes that release of the videos will affect the jury’s impartiality.

In the declarations, Trump explained previous statements in which he claimed that Bill CLinton was a great President and that Hillary Clinton – Now his rival – would be a great President or Vice-President. In regards to the statements, the republican frontrunner said “I didn’t give it a lot of thought, because I was in business.”

Judge Gonzalo Curiel heard arguments from both sides but did not make an immediate decision. Until now, it is unknown when there will be a response.

So far in his campaign, Trump has criticized Judge Curiel, insisting that he has not been fair with him. Trump even claimed that the hostility might be linked to Curiel’s Mexican roots.

These comments have caused outrage and legislators have asked the virtual Republican nominee to apologize for his racist attacks.

During the Wednesday audience, the Judge did not make any reference or comment related to Trump’s attacks.

Prior to this week’s audience, the Judge determined that the trial will begin in November once the Presidential election is over. In case of winning the presidential election, Trump might have to testify as President Elect.