Adriana Alcaraz: Dedication to Family and Community

By Ana Gomez Salcido Adriana 019

An interest in politics that drove Adriana Alcaraz to a successful career in journalism has transformed into a dedicated life to her family and community.

Alcaraz, who has been recognized with several awards including two Emmys, a Golden Mike, and several San Diego Press Club awards, launched Ulivo, an Italian restaurant, along with her husband in Ocean Beach, adding restaurant owner and operator to her long resume.

The food service industry is not new to Alcaraz and her husband. Adraiana and her husband are the long time owners of Olive Tree Marketplace, which is located conveniently next to their new restaurant.

“Olive Tree Marketplace is next to Ulivo, which means olive tree in Italian. We have the two businesses with the same name, one named in English and one in Italian. We did it this way so the community would know is from the same family,” said the business owner. “It has been two years of learning.”

Alcaraz who has served on several advisory boards including Comprehensive Training Systems, SDSU’s Los Aztecas Board, Warren-Walker School Board, and is the past Chair of the UCSD Hispanic Scholarship Council, says the community’s support has helped her business thrive.

“We are very fortunate because our community is really small here in Ocean Beach and Point Loma and the community supports us,” said the former journalist. “The community has supported our first business us for many years and the success of the restaurant is also due to the community’s suport; so we also support the community in return.”

In 2001, Alcaraz was named “Latina of the Year” by the San Diego chapter of the National Latino Peace Officers Association.  This award is given nationally to Latinas who go above and beyond to serve their communities.

Alcaraz’s passion for the community even lead to the creation of Alcaraz Media and Consulting, a company that helped to represent several non-profits in the San Diego region from 2007 to 2010.

“When I was a journalist I was very involved in non-profits and I got to know a lot people. I started being the master of ceremonies at different events,” said the Tijuana native. “Collaborating with non-profits is a good labor, they are doing good for the community.”

Alcaraz Media and Consulting specialized in relationship marketing, community outreach campaigns, public relations campaigns, video campaigns and news through broadcast and print. With her company she worked with several respected organizations including Neighborhood House Association, San Ysidro Health Centers, and The Friends of Scott Foundation.

“When I left my last job at a TV network, I started working with non-profits doing press releases and everything they needed for a fundraising,” said Alcaraz. “I thought that was a new stage for me, and that’s how I ended up working for Chicano Federation.”

Alcaraz was the director of Development and Communications for Chicano Federation of San Diego County from 2010 to 2012.

“When I left Chicano Federation, I didn’t get involved anywhere else. I focused on our family business and two years ago is when we were encouraged to launch the restaurant,” said Alcaraz. “I have worked in everything.”

The main reason why Alcaraz left the journalism field was to focus her attention to her then three-year-old daughter.

“Your life changes, when you have children. It changes, when you get married. It changes,” said Alcaraz. “I think I reached a period when I have a daughter and I wanted to enjoy her, and I’m enjoying her.”

Alcaraz now is able to balance her work and family time, while also being part of the community.

“I have more work now, but what drove me was that I was going to be able to manage more my time,” said the SDSU alumni. “I changed my career to be able to do that, everyday is a learning day.”

The goal of Alcaraz is to grow her family restaurant like any other business owner, while also enjoying each day with her family.

“I like to read a lot, to go hiking in San Diego, to take family trips and being able to schedule them like we want, to go to the theatre, and to enjoy our beautiful city, especially in the summer,” said the former reporter and anchor.

Alcaraz’s jobs in the media included work for the Associated Press, CBS 8, NBC, WB News at 10, and 10 News – Azteca America.
