Mexican Law Students Learn About San Diego District Attorney’s Office

By Ana Gomez Salcido IMG_5238

On Thursday, June 30, a group of around 60 Mexican law students visited the San Diego District Attorney’s Office to learn about the United States legal system.

The students were from University Xochicalco campus Tijuana, campus Ensenada, and campus Mexicali. The visit was organized through the California Western School of Law in San Diego.

“Students learn how the law system works in the United States,” said program administrator at California Western School of Law in San Diego, Narda Violeta Reyes. “In Mexico the legal system is in transition to one that is similar to the United States’ system, so it was a good visit.”

The new accusatory penal system in Mexico employs oral trials rather than the submission of written evidence reviewed behind closed doors.

“We basically came here to see the difference within our legal system and the one in the United States, and like we all know Mexico just adopted a legal system similar to the one on the United States,” said one of the students, Luis Edwin Leal Nuno. “The new accusatory penal system is starting this month.”

Leal Nuno explained that the benefit of the new legal system in Mexico is that it is more difficult for corruption to occur.

The San Diego’s District Attorney Office is not the first time it welcomes Mexican Law students, mentioned Reyes, the last visit was two months ago.

“For the students, it’s an enriching experience,” said Reyes. “The visit is good and we are grateful for the San Diego’s District Attorney Office accessibility.