Downtown Visitors to Enjoy Free Wi-Fi

By Ana Gomez Salcido  IMG_5080

Downtown San Diego, home to this summer’s  Major League Baseball All-Star Game and Comic-Con International, will have free Wi-Fi for all visitors over this July.

In a press conference held this Tuesday, June 21, Cox Communications announced that it will provide the free Wi-Fi in collaboration with the City of San Diego.

“Around 100,000 people are expected in the Downtown San Diego area for the MLB All-Star Game, and another around 130,000 people are expected for Comic Con,” said Kerri Verbeke Kapich, Senior Vice-President of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships of the San Diego Tourism Authority.

According to Verbeke Kapich, having free Wi-Fi will provide visitors a good experience, which will incite these to possibly return to Downtown San Diego.

“There are over 100 hot spots just added to the Cox network in Downtown San Diego and they are going to be open to the public free of charge from July 8 through July 24,” said Sam Attisha, Vice President of Business Development and Public Affairs for Cox Communications. “The free Wi-Fi is going to be available from Little Italy to Gaslamp area and from the Marina to East Village during those days.”

The free Wi-Fi service is expected to be ready for the MLB All-Star Game festivities celebrated  July 8-11, and for Comic-Con weekend from July 20-24.

“Today, so much of our local economy rests on Internet service. With today’s announcement, San Diego’s tourism economy is also entering the digital age,” said San Diego Mayor, Kevin Faulconer. “Events like Comic-Con and the All Star Game will be some of our biggest tourist attractions this year – providing big boosts to our economy, which will help create jobs for residents and revenue for businesses across our city.”

