Highlights from E3 Expo

By Mario A. Cortez  E3-logo

E3, the world’s premiere electronic entertainment convention, was held at the Los Angeles Convention Center this week.

Many of the biggest names in technology and interactive entertainment showed off their future projects to the public for the first time at E3.

Conferences and announcements began on Monday when  Microsoft introduced the world to Project Scorpio, a mid-generation console to be released next year as part of the Xbox family. Project Scorpio will feature six teraflops, over 300 gigabytes of memory bandwidth and will enhance software titles with dynamic scaling.

Alongside legendary soccer coach Jose Mourinho, EA announced a slew of shooter and sports titles, among which was FIFA 17. Mourinho will be featured in the upcoming FIFA title’s story mode which will feature a branching narrative as players climb their way to Premier League superstardom.

Sony revealed multiple game titles for the Playstation 4. The biggest highlight for Sony was the announcement of game designer and cinematographer Hideo Kojima’s newest project “Death Stranding.” The cryptic trailer for the upcoming title featured Norman Reedus of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” waking up on a beach. This trailer reveal has caused much buzz online and speculation as to the direction of Kojima’s first project under his own independent studio.

Nintendo came to the conference with just one title, but arguably the biggest of them all. The Japanese publisher’s presence at E3 revolved around “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,” the upcoming title in Nintendo’s perennially acclaimed saga. The upcoming game will feature a more open ended approach to gameplay and will focus on survival aspects such as hunting from the demos seen at the expo. Nintendo also announced its next console, codenamed NX, to be released March of 2017.


