Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in San Diego

By Ana Gomez Salcido


Former President Bill Clinton held a rally in San Diego on Wednesday, May 4 to urge support for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

“California has been good to our family, and I think it has been good for you too,” said Clinton. “My point is that you need to go out there and do everything you can. I know all the data says she is ahead in the popular vote, but we’ve got to run this race to the end.”

The California primary election is set for June 7. New Mexico, New Jersey, and North Dakota will also be holding their primaries on that date.

Bill Clinton visited San Diego before heading to the Los Angeles area for another rally. Hillary Clinton is also scheduled to appear at different events in the Los Angeles area this week.

Hillary Clinton just lost the Indiana primary to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, but still leads in the delegate count.

“She always finishes what she starts,” said the former President. “You need to help her finish strong so we can win in November and put America on the right path.”

The rally in San Diego was held at the Balboa Park Club in front of a crowd of more than 500 people including the presence of Congressman, Juan Vargas and Mayor of Chula Vista Mary Salas.

“I really like the positive message and the positive agenda that Hillary Clinton has for our country. She works with an energy that is positive and that is a contrast to the Republican side of the ticket,” said Mayor Salas of Chula Vista.  “She believes in building bridges not walls.”
