Ted Cruz Promises to End Illegal Immigration at San Diego Rally

By Ana Gomez Salcidocruz

The construction of a wall to divide United States from Mexico was one of the topics talked about during Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s rally in Mission Valley this Monday.

“What about the fence?,”  yelled a sympathizer at the event held on the Golden Pacific Ballroom of the Town and Country Resort, that according to the hotel staff, reached the capacity of 1,700 people.

“We are going to build it, we are going to triple the Border Patrol, we are going to get it done, and I give you my word, that we are going to end illegal immigration,” answered the United States senator.

The event hosted by the former chairman of the California Republican Party and national spokesman of Ted Cruz, Ron Nehring, started promptly at 6 PM with a prayer, and then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.

Among the public leaders present at the rally were El Cajon Mayor, Bill Wells; San Diego City Attorney, Jan Goldsmith; Escondido City Council member, Ed Gallo; and member of the California State Board of Equalization, Diane Harkey.

“We are going to stop amnesty and secure the borders, and end sanctuary cities, and end welfare benefits for those who live here illegally” said the pre-candidate for the presidency of the United States at his speech.

The event had only a few Latino people present and among them was republican Claudia Montano who said that the Republican Party has the same core values that Hispanic People have and that a lot of Hispanics do not know that.

Before the rally began, there were demonstrations present outside the Mission Valley Resort, against Cruz.

“I know there is a rally for Bernie Sanders outside, and do you know how do you empty a room full of Sanders followers, when you tell them they need to get a job,” said Cruz.

The former Solicitor General for the State of Texas also attacked presidential pre-candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, during his speech.

Cruz said Trump supported liberal democratic candidates over the last 40 years, and joked about Clinton emails been recently hacked creating problems for her lawyers.