Promoters of Health in San Diego Were Awarded on Their Achievements

By Ana Gomez Salcido
A total of 16 individuals and organizations that promote the health and wellness of the community were awarded on their achievements by the authorities of San Diego County.

The purpose of the awards is to honor and recognize the extraordinary achievements of individuals and organizations in the area of public health, said director of public health services of the Health and Human Services Agency, Wilma Wooten.
Among the groups recognized was Safe Kids San Diego, an organization that received the Theme Award.
Wooten said the group was awarded because of their prevention of unintentional injuries on children they have worked on since 1992.
Rady Children’s Hospital is the lead agency that works on Safe Kids San Diego, explained coordinator Mary Beth Moran, and help to minimize the kids that need their services.
“We want children to be safe and healthy and out there just being a kid to be able to reach their fullest potential,” said Moran.
Rebecca Cornille, Vista Community Clinic dental surgeon , was elected to receive the individual award.
Wooten said the individual award it’s about honoring an individual who has made outstanding contributions to address the prevention of disease or injury and promote health in San Diego County communities.
“This fuels the passion that keeps me going on what I do, and I like to thank my dedicated co-workers that come from a place of compassion and provide hope and health to our patients,” said Cornille.
The award ceremony was held at the board chambers of the County Administration Center on April 8 and included a reception.
