Tijuana’s International Airport Increases Passenger Traffic by 40%

By Ana Gomez

With the help of the Cross Border Xpress, Tijuana’s International Airport passenger traffic increased by 40% in the last four months, according to chairperson of Grupo Aeropuertario del Pacifico and shareholder of the binational terminal, Laura Diez Barroso de Laviada.
More than 300,000 people have used Cross Border Xpress since it opened its doors last December, said CEO of Cross Border Xpress, Enrique Valle.

Cross Border Xpress consists of a facility built in the Otay Mesa area in San Diego, California, and has a pedestrian bridge that connects directly with the departure terminal of Tijuana’s International Airport, that can be used from the United States to Mexico and vice versa.
The binational terminal can only be used by ticket holders of a flight in Tijuana’s International Airport, explained Valle, and by travelers that just landed on a flight in Tijuana.

The use of the terminal costs $12 per adult, and is free for children under 2 years old.
“Instead of waiting hours, you can cross the border in less than 10 minutes,” said Valle.

‘This binational terminal benefits the millions of passengers in Southern California and Mexico that travel,’ mentioned Diez Barroso de Laviada, and it has the potential of connecting region travelers with destinations not only in Mexico but in Asia and Europe.
There is an average of 2,200 people using Cross Border Xpress any day, peaking last Spring Break with 5,000 travelers using the facilities in just one day, said Valle.

High ranking officials from Mexico and the United States celebrated an official opening of the facility with a private tour and a public ceremony held this Thursday on the American side of the Cross Border Xpress.

Among the high ranking officials present was Mexico Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, Claudia Ruiz Massieu; Mexico Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, Gerardo Ruiz Esparza; Mexico Secretariat of Tourism, Enrique De La Madrid Cordero; commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Gil Kerlikowske; Baja California’s governor, Francisco Vega de la Madrid; Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer; and Mayor of Tijuana, Jorge Astiazaran.