A Project with a Smile for Christmas Day

By Geneva Gámez-Vallejo
There’s something about December that makes people soft in the heart. Whether it’s the cold that makes you fuzzy inside, the holiday decor you see all around or simply, the spirit of Christmas, whatever it is, there’s definitely something extraordinarily different during this time of year. Everyone wants to feel loved and give love. How do you show love to someone you don’t know? In many ways, but the most common is by offering them a gesture of kindness that you know will bring them cheer.

Thirty-six year old, Luis Fitch does just that. His altruistic nature led him to ground The Warm Smiles Project, a brave step towards a personal goal that has garnered warm smiles on both sides of the border. As a San Diego resident who grew up in Tijuana, Fitch recalls seeing the impoverished communities that dwell just a few feet from our border.

“I’ve always felt the need to do something for the community, especially for children. Growing up in Tijuana made me see there was an ongoing need for kids living on the streets and in severe poverty and I felt I needed to do something. I also believe the spirit and true meaning of Christmas is to help people in need…”

It was then, when three years ago he announced the first toy drive for The Warm Smiles Project. Through a Facebook video message he called on family, friends and acquaintances to donate a new toy for less fortunate children in Tijuana. The response was unexpected. He collected over five hundred toys that year. Ever since, he announces a couple toy drive dates during the month of December and delivers these on very Christmas Day to families in our neighbor city. In addition, he also collects blankets for the elderly to whom he also delivers on Christmas Day.

To whom he delivers the donations to varies each year. “With the help of my father who lives in Tijuana and has always been supporting my project, we each year decide a new place to go and deliver these donations. All of these places we go are communities and areas with severe poverty levels.”

“It really is priceless to see the smiles and faces of these children when we show up unexpectedly and they receive their toy or blanket. It is the most sincere thank you and gesture of appreciation. A lot of times they give us a big hug and the biggest thank you. It’s hard to hold your tears back when you see how thankful they are” he added.

Blankets are welcome, and toys are asked to be new, non-battery operated and non-violent enticing (no toy guns, weapons or violent characters, etc). “There’s already a lot of that going on in the world,” said Fitch in his most recent video message “we don’t need more of that.”

This year, Fitch is already prepping for the toy drive and while no one is exempt of economic hardships, it doesn’t take much to pick up a few extra toys while doing your holiday shopping. There are plenty of low budget stores where blankets can be found for as low as two-dollars and toys for a little as five. Too many times, people feel the urge to give, so they gather everything they no longer want or need and set it aside as the charitable gesture towards those in need, but we forget that children just as much as adults also appreciate something new. Something they can call theirs from start to finish. During this time of year, let that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside drive you, and give. That’s the holiday spirit. In return, you may not get a tangible gift but you’ll sure feel complete when someone you’ve never met says thank you or simply smiles whole-heartedly.

For The Warm Smiles Project, Fitch’s goal is “to reach more and more communities and to have more people volunteering so they can continue to see the need there is out there and also help them appreciate what we have and realize how lucky and blessed we are to have a roof over our heads and a warm meal on our table.”

The next toy drive is being held on Saturday, Dec. 12 at  Flicks Video Bar located at 1017 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 from 9 PM -closing. Feel free to drop off your donation or wear your ugly sweater and enjoy a fun night at Flicks. There will also be a toy drive in Tijuana with a date and location to be determined.

To stay updated with the dates and places were donations will be accepted “like” The Warm Smiles Project Facebook page where all the info about the project can be found including photos and videos of previous years donations and deliveries.