Chula Vista Mayor Travels to Paris for Climate Change Conference

BY Alexandra Mendoza

Chula Vista will be one of 11 U.S. cities represented at the Climate Change Summit to be held next week in Paris, France.
Mayor Mary Salas expressed that it was an honor to be a part of this event that the UN organized to bring together international leaders who share the vision of taking immediate climate change action.

The invitation was extended to the second-largest city in San Diego because its over two decades of involvement with environmental organizations make it a nationwide pioneer.

The mayor indicated that she would take advantage of the space to showcase the city’s achievements in greenhouse gas emission reductions, water conservation, and the Climate Action Plan Update.
She is also expressed her excitement about the possibility to learn about not only what other U.S. cities have done, but also cities the world over.

The Mayor’s visit to France is happening in the midst of a worldwide travel alert due to the terrorist attacks perpetrated in recent days.
“It’s something important we need to do”, said the Mayor. “Work cannot be stopped by terrorism, we have things to do, and we must not cower”.

“We want to show our solidarity with the people of Paris and the rest of France; to show them that we are with them and we will not distance ourselves from the country just because of terrorist acts, just as they did when they stood by us during the attacks on 9/11”, she added.

The trip will not cost taxpayers a single penny, as the expenses are being covered by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
Further, Senator Ben Hueso indicated that legislative bills are already in the pipeline to address climate change, including initiatives aimed at having all California homes be powered by sustainable sources such as solar or wind energy by 2030.

“We are taking steps to improve Californians’ quality of life and protect our environment, so that our children may know what it’s like to go to the beach, to eat from the ocean, to stargaze at night, and to understand nature”.

He also applauded Chula Vista’s efforts, agreeing as to the fact that local approaches can have a much broader impact.
