
A Bush in SD
George P. Bush, son of Jeb Bush, was in San Diego Thursday to speak at an energy conference. Bush was recently elected as Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office in charge of all public land and mineral rights in Texas. A lawyer and Navy Officer now in the Reserves, George P. is a fluent Spanish speaker. His mom, Columba, was born in Mexico. Maybe this Bush can grow into a real uniter who can credibly deal with immigration reform that his grandpa, uncle, and dad have not been able to.

Obama Appoints Cox
County Supervisor Greg Cox was appointed this week to serve on the National Ocean Council’s Governance Coordinating Committee which advises the President on ocean policies. Cox will serve a 2 year term.  Cox has served on the County Board of Sups since 1995 and also serves on the State Coastal Commission.

Horn Has A Conflict
The state’s Fair Political Practices Commission has ruled that County Supervisor Bill Horn cannot vote on a 1,600 home development project that’s just 1.3 miles from his property. Horn asked for a second opinion. No go. The state watchdog agency warned Horn that “you have a conflict of interest in decisions involving the Project and you must recuse yourself from participating in these decisions.” The project developers donated to Horn’s campaign. A vote is expected on the project on Oct 28th.

Chicano Park Study
Under a bill by local Congressman Juan Vargas, Chicano Park could become a national historic landmark. If passed, the bill would require the Dept of Interior to study the possibility of protecting the park. Way to go Paco!
