Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyWhen is a city council not a city council???? In the case of Chula Vista, they continue to cancel council meetings… according to City Attorney Goggins this not unusual but CV council has just this week announced the cancellation of the 8/25, 9/1, 9/3, and 9/8 council meetings… when you add these to the other cancelled meetings for the year, you get a whopping 21 cancelled council meetings….

CA Goggins won’t say this, but these cancelled meetings are in relation to the Steve Miesen appointment and the conflict of office quagmire…. It is costing the city of Chula Vista, or better yet you the taxpayer, $14,000 a month to defend the Miesen appointment, more or less $100,000 to date and you the taxpayer has paid outside council $15,000

The Chris Schilling Brown Act violation case against the Miesen appointment is going to court… Schilling is charging that the Miesen appointment was done in secret and violated the Brown Act… now the cost of defending the appointment is really going to cost the taxpayer…..

Who do we have to thank for this mess??? We can start with Mayor Mary Salas who pushed the appointment of Miesen and then council person Aguilar who went ahead and seconded the appointment…. Supposedly they wanted to avoid the cost of a special election, wonder how that is working out for them…. If Miesen really cared about the city of Chula Vista, he would end the pain by stepping down and give the city council a second chance to do the right thing….

The bottom line on all this is that we are finding out the city runs pretty well on its own despite a dysfunctional city council…. We should give kudos to the city managers and personnel staff for doing a good job….

Interesting Note: Three day laborers from Port Chester, New York, have been appointed to create the “Silla Sagrada”, the holy chair that the Pope will use for his mass in Madison Square Garden on September 25th. The three men, all skilled carpenters and members of day laborer centers, got the job when Cardinal Timothy Dolan decided to make point of honoring immigrant laborers who are most often the victims of workplace exploitation and wage theft.

State legislators are proposing to raise the gas tax by 12 cents per gallon to fix the state highways… are these guys crazy don’t they go to the gas pump and see what the cost of gas is already… ohh that is right they don’t have to pay for the gas, the taxpayers do everytime they get a gas allowance…

Of course this is a regressive gas tax and will unfairly impact the low income the most, the rich can afford it and/or are buying electric cars with no worries….
