Latina news anchor goes national

<p>If Adriana Ruggiero had not migrated to the United States from her native Venezuela, she probably wouldn’t have continued as a journalist.</p>
<p>Due to government censorship and oppression of the media in the South American country, being a journalist in Venezuela is not ideal, says Ruggiero.</p>
<p>“It is a very difficult situation in Venezuela,” she says. “It’s very bad professionally. If I were in Venezuela I would not be working in the media. I’d probably be working on whatever I could find, because the economy and the situation is so bad that you no longer grow professionally.”</p>
<p>But since immigrating to the United States in 2012, Ruggiero has been able to grow freely in this country, becoming the youngest anchor of a nationwide newscast.</p>
<p>Since June, Ruggiero, who is 32, is the host of Noticiero Estrella TV con Adriana Ruggiero, which airs daily on Estrella TV at 5:30 pm in San Diego.</p>
<p>For Ruggiero, the opportunity to head a nationwide newscast is an exciting challenge.</p>
<p>“Imagine it, it is a huge commitment every day coming to work,” she says. “It is a daily requirement, a responsibility. It is the same truth, obviously, but with a larger audience. This job requires being well involved with the Latino community. It is a big commitment that I take with great enthusiasm.”</p>
<p>The journalist began her career in the United States three years ago as a reporter for the local newscast of Estrella TV in Los Angeles. A few months later she became co-anchor of the same show.</p>
<p>Her time in Los Angeles allowed her to learn about the Latino community in the United States.</p>
<p>“Los Angeles is definitely a representation of what is the demographics of the Latino community in the rest of the country,” she says.</p>
<p>When it comes to being a journalist, Ruggiero is much more than a pretty face or a slender figure repeating what is written on the teleprompter.</p>
<p>“When it comes to reporting the news, transparency and honesty mean everything,” she says. “Our viewers deserve respect and security to know that I care about the issues that impact their lives. I refuse to just sit and read the teleprompter, so this job is not a job for eight hours. It requires dedication 24 hours and I’m proud to be a voice that serves the Hispanic community, who see and depend on us for the latest news.”</p>
<p>In her official Facebook page, the followers of Ruggiero highlight her combination of beauty and talent, but most of all, the professionalism of the journalist.</p>
<p>“She’s a talented and intelligent woman and beautiful above all,” wrote Fabian Medina Alfredo Jurado.</p>
<p>Kenedy Green congratulated Ruggiero for her position as news anchor of a national newscast on Estrella TV.</p>
<p>To achieve what she has achieved in the United States, Ruggiero began to prepare very young in her native Venezuela.</p>
<p>There, she graduated from law school and served as host of several programs and news analysis shows.</p>
<p>Now she sees her work as news anchor of Noticiero Estrella TV as a way of serving the Latino community.</p>
<p>“Thank God for putting me on this path and with this hunger to find more,” she says. “I want to raise the name of Hispanics in this country.”</p>
<p>To learn more about the work and life of Adriana Ruggiero, please visit <a href="; target="_blank"></a></p&gt;

Pablo Jaime Sainz