Latina from San Diego helping in Nepal after earthquake

<figure id="attachment_31228" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-31228" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-31228"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-31228" src="/sites/default/files/2015/05/Nepal-2-300x225.jpg" alt="Ariela Guttin, second from the right, is pictured with another Nepal volunteer, along with several of the women now living in a tent city." width="300" height="225" srcset="… 300w,… 570w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-31228" class="wp-caption-text">Ariela Guttin, second from the right, is pictured with another Nepal volunteer, along with several of the women now living in a tent city.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Since Ariela Guttin graduated from La Jolla High School, the 32-year-old has been travelling, making a difference around the world.</p>
<p>First, it was in Israel, where she lived for several years, perfecting her Hebrew, and studying photography. Then it was in Barcelona, where she furthered her studies.</p>
<p>She also spent time in Australia, where she worked hard to save money to return to Nepal, where she has been working as a volunteer school teacher in Pokhara, one of the largest cities there.</p>
<p>So after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in late April devastated the poor Asian country, Ariela’s willingness to help the needy became more obvious.</p>
<p>In the last few days, Ariela has started an online Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds to buy food, clothing, and other basic items, for residents of the small village of Laprak, one of the hardest hit in the aftermath of the disaster.</p>
<p>“The situation for our Nepali friends is a desperate one,” Ariela wrote in the Go Fund Me campaign. “My team and I are working with local volunteers to ensure that aid is delivered directly where it is most needed.”</p>
<p>Ariela had been living in Nepal since last summer. Before that, she had been in the country for a few months, after she and her mother, San Diego-based artist Becky Guttin, spent some time there teaching English to Hindu female monks.</p>
<p>Becky said that, although Ariela is sad because of all the disaster and devastation she’s seeing around her, Ariela is actually stronger than ever, helping out in every way she can.</p>
<p>“She wants to help rebuild that village,” Becky said. “She has given up everything she had here in San Diego to go live in Nepal and help needy people. That’s Ariela. She is very humble.”</p>
<p>For Becky, it is a great pride to have a daughter as Ariela.</p>
<p>“While other young women are living very different lives, Ariela helps others on a daily basis,” Becky said.</p>
<p>And the response to Ariela’s Go Fund Me campaign has resonated among her friends, family, and strangers who just believe Ariela can make a more direct difference in Nepal after the earthquake.</p>
<p>In seven days, Ariela has raised almost $20,000, which will serve to purchase tents, foam mattresses, basic medical supplies, and warm clothing for nearly all the survivors in Laprak.</p>
<p>“We are hoping to make one helicopter delivery to Laprak per day, weather depending,” Ariela wrote in a recent update. “We feel blessed with the interest and generosity of our friends and family and everyone that has helped with this cause.”</p>
<p>She has also set up a Facebook page (<a href="; target="_blank"></a>) where she is constantly posting updates of what her team is doing in Nepal.</p>
<p>Becky said Ariela called her recently and told her: “I can’t leave Nepal, I can’t leave this people behind. They need help. How will they feed their children?”</p>
<p>To make a contribution of any amount to Ariela Guttin’s Nepal relief fund, please go to <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p&gt;

Pablo Jaime Sainz