The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Growin number of deportess can not be ignored!

For us, those of brown skin deportation can be as easy as driving though the wrong neighborhood. Yes, even now in San Diego county. Contrary to media reports for the sake of the ratings; most undocumented migrants (why in h… Would any one call us illegal aliens? If you have not noticed we are human too) are apprehended not by while committing crimes, but caught without identification during traffic stops, inland checkpoints, or immigration enforcement operations.

Once processed for removal (and this is key, no notification to the closest family or friend that would render such emergency circumstances) the migrants are transported to the border and turned over to the Mexican immigration. Some arrive like tourists in a foreign land, the one time nationals are left to fend for themselves. Some speak Spanish, some speak little or no Spanish.

I was informed that a man, Sergio Tamai has founded “Angeles sin fronteras not too long ago to address the growing number of deportees that are being ignored by the Mexican government on local and federal levels.

According to his conversation, the group grew out of concern, he said. “we realized that the United States government was deporting between 200 and 300 people on a daily basis. America has deported nearly 450,000 people under the Obama administration (thank you – cold blooded). Tamai goes on, he says, national public radio places that number closer to 1.5 million.

More than 600 undocumented migrants are buried in the bleak cemetery outside holtville California in Imperial Valley. The overall prayer at any border church, spiritual assembly is the same “no otra muerte mas” ( not one more death).

In conclusion we in the U.S. Have a chance to go where no no other democratic government or emperors has gone before.When Plato was writing “the republic” he asked Socrates what was the best kind of government? His mentor reassured him that it was democratic,but offered a stern warning; there has never been a democratic government that has lasted more than 250 years (the last one was the Roman Empire). We are at the brink as I write this.

Seldom does national maturity, creativity happen during peace time, we are better than this.

Cesar Q Lopez
Chula Vista
