Photographic murals honor César Chávez

<figure id="attachment_30993" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-30993" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-30993"><img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-30993" src="…; alt="Photographic murals of Cesar Chavez and farmworker movement at the new Ed Center." width="300" height="182"></a><figcaption id="caption-attachment-30993" class="wp-caption-text">Photographic murals of Cesar Chavez and farmworker movement at the new Ed Center.</figcaption></figure>
<p>The Chicano Park murals can welcome their new neighbors.</p>
<p>This month San Diego Continuing Education placed eight photographic murals depicting the life and work of César E. Chávez on the exterior of the parking structure of its new campus in Barrio Logan.</p>
<p>The new photographic murals, which were created using photos from local community members, are located on the corner of National Avenue and César E. Chávez Parkway, one block from Chicano Park.</p>
<p>“The San Diego Continuing Education parking structure with its larger than life photo murals depicting Cesar Chavez and the Farm worker’s Movement are a stunning contribution to the cultural legacy that permeates the Barrio Logan community,” said Robin Carvajal, dean of the new César Chávez campus.</p>
<p>“The photos provide a realistic compliment to the colorful and diverse murals in Chicano Park,” she said.</p>
<p>For Rudy Kastelic, interim president at San Diego Continuing Education, the photographic murals can be seen as an extension of the mission of the César E. Chávez campus: To educate community members in Barrio Logan.</p>
<p>“These photos, even though they’re not paintings, will fit very well in the community,” he said. “They do justice to the legacy of César Chávez.”</p>
<p>The murals include photos taken by Carlos LeGerrette, a photographer who worked very closely with Chávez. LeGerrette and his wife Linda are co-founders of the Cesar Chavez Service Clubs.</p>
<p>“The photos themselves are a small but respectful representation of the movement that Chavez and others began back in 1965,” said LeGerrette, whose family has a long history in the Barrio Logan area. “I travelled with Cesar with my camera in hand. I was blessed to work with him for more than 12 years in the farmworkers movement.”</p>
<p>The photos show different communities Chavez worked closely with throughout his life, including Filipinos and African-Americans. In one picture, one can see a young Ramon “Chunky” Sanchez, a Barrio Logan icon and musician whohas played an important role in the development of Chicano Park.</p>
<p>“There’s a lot of history in those eight pictures,” LeGerrette said. “They’re a recognition of all those hard working individuals, families, who came out of and still live in Barrio Logan.”</p>
<p>Kastelic said that, when it opens this fall, the new César Chávez Campus will serve around 1,400 students, offering practical classes in English as a Second Language, citizenship, and basic skills. The campus will also offer hands-on, career-oriented programs in nursing assistance, and other health occupations.</p>
<p>“These clases help everyone get a new job or improve their skills in the workforce,” Kastelic said.</p>
<p>Kastelic said that he was part of the development of the original plan for the new campus 10 years ago.</p>
<p>“I appreciate the patience the community has had,” he said. “We have been serving the Barrio Logan community since the 70s and we’ve had ‘good neighbor’ relationships.”</p>
<p>Carvajal said that the San Diego Community College District acknowledges and celebrates the wealth of art, history, and passion that embodies this community.</p>
<p>“We are proud to erect a tribute to the civil rights movement that has the potential to raise awareness about the work and life of Cesar Chavez, and to teach and celebrate his important cultural history,” she said.</p>
<p>To learn more about the new San Diego Continuing Education campus, which is scheduled to open in September, please visit <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p&gt;

Pablo Jaime Sainz