Los San Patricios

Dear Readers,

I hope you will take the time to use YouTube.com to learn more about Los San Patricios.  For example, go to:


At that link you will do some reading of the history of Los San Patricios, plus hear some ballads sung in English about them.  This is also a fun way to read about history as well, while hearing the background music to accompany your reading.  But guess what? you will also get to see a clip of the movie made by Hollywood about John Riley, the commander of the Saint Patrick’s Brigade.

At another link from the BBC can be found at:


At that site you will hear and see another audio-visual production put together by the British and a well-known author.  You will also learn why there were religious reasons why Los San Patricio battalion preferred to change sides.  There are so many ideological issues involved in what happened with Los San Patricios!  You will also hear about how the Mexican-American War was also a manifestation of the ideology of Manifest Destiny by the U.S.  We also learn that many of the San Patricio Brigade were later pardoned for deserting from the U.S. army.  You will then hear a Mexican version of their story sung in Spanish, explaining what happened.  It makes me proud to be bilingual and bicultural to be able to listen to an Irish band sing about Los San Patricios in English and then be able to listen to a Mexican folkloric band sing in Spanish about the Saint Patrick’s Brigade.

I then encourage you to go to another web site:


At that site you will get an excellent take on how to use Saint Patrick’s Day to commemorate the San Patricio Brigade.  You will also see first hand how the Irish and Mexicans love and respect each other because of the history of Los San Patricios.  The video also points out that for many persons of Mexican descent, i.e., Chicanos, the border crossed them not they the border.

One of the things that is the legacy of the San Patricios is that one of the reasons they sided with the Mexicans instead of the U.S. was because the Irish battalion enjoyed Mexican style of music which resembled traditional Irish music (such as the Irish jig).  There was also the fact that the U.S. Army consisted mostly of  White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP’s), whereas the Irish Brigade consisted mostly of Catholics.  These characteristics combined with the fact there was also cultural discrimination against the Irish by American soldiers.  These factors tilted the minds of the San Patricio Brigade to side with the Mexican army in the Mexican American War of 1846-1848.

But here is another amazing thing:  The Mexican people appreciate the San Patricios more than people of Mexican descent, i.e., Chicanos, in the U.S.!  I ask you, have you ever considered that?  If you don’t believe me just go to:


And then listen carefully to the Spanish songs by Mexicans (from Mexico) singing of praise, honor, and great gratitude to the Irish.  Now I ask you, (although you might not be like Anthony Quinn who was half Irish), do you (if you are Chicano) look forward to Saint Patrick’s Day in that similar way?  I have not often seen that coming from the Chicano community in the U.S.—am I correct?  If I am wrong, please educate me, ok?

Also, if you want to hear a nice ballad to John Riley, head of Los San Patricios go to:


The lyrics are in English, and will hear how the Irish today (along with the Mexican people) celebrate Los San Patricio’s with ballads in English.  In the meantime, the people of Mexico then likewise sing corrido after corrido with Spanish lyrics about the Saint Patrick’s Brigade.  The songs praise fighting for freedom and tyranny.  In other words, there is a bilingual bilcultural, and crosscultural celebrating going on back and forth with each nationality praising one another and singing about their bravery and courage.  Now isn’t that what we in America want between Chicanos and non-Chicanos?

So I guess you know how I will be celebrating El Dia de San Patricio this year—viewing YouTube videos about Los San Patricios!  How about you?  Are you of Mexican descent enough to celebrate the heroism of the Saint Patrick’s Brigade, or not?  Let me know, ok?

Submitted by: Margarito J. Garcia III, Ph.D.
