The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Time to stand up to the Cove development on 5th St!

Chula Vista Is a city destroying itself if it approves the Sweetwater Union High School District application for a rezone and entitlement process for the building 135 townhomes, called the COVE, at the current district office and bus garage on 5th St. near Oxford St.

The city has already approved another SUHSD 162 residential housing project on a third of an acre and calls it the COLONY at 435 Third Ave, in downtown Chula Vista.

These projects diminish their surroundings with overwhelming bulk, bland design and are crony-socialism. The Sweetwater Union High School District was impacted by excessive corruption and incompetence. The best we can do now is to fight for a holding action, hoping that we can keep things from getting worse till the election. The Corruption is uniquely reprehensible in a school system because it violates the first principle which we learned in elementary school: GOVERNMENT IS THERE FOR THE PEOPLE.

We want to thank the interim trustees for your responsible efforts to fix the Sweetwater Union High School District mess, however the only information we have been receiving about these Chula Vista SUHSD real estate projects (July 21 meeting for building 135 townhomes at the current district office and bus garage on 5th St.) is confused, vague, conflicting or incomplete. Also there should be no tradeoff of the public good for private gain by any individual, companies or public official. Why is the Sweetwater School system allowing a favored real–estate operator to excessively enrich himself through the use of school property?

Where is the environmental impact study the impact of the proposed project will have on the neighborhood traffic parking and economic problems in this most congested area of Chula Vista on local people and businesses?

We hope the new SUHSD interim trustees and city council will fulfill their obligation to the south bay area quality of life and focus on their responsibility to the children’s education and future. Chula Vista is going to have 200,000 more people in 15 years and SUHSD needs this land. Stop with these short–sighted financial disaster boondoggles.

The failure of the horrendous leadership of the responsible oversight and justice system to stop the systematic and institutionalized corruption is destroying public confidence in the Sweetwater Union High School District and requires the city Council and school trustee inclusive leadership, due diligence, transparency and courageous integrity. The sale of public land to a private citizen with no debate in the School Board and City Council is a moral issue.

Are ethics and morality a worthless product in political life in Chula Vista today?

Jerry Thomas
Chula Vista

Domestic violence syndrome

This issue has been one of the devastating of my young life.

My father was an alcoholic. He would beat my mom and me at times. I was the oldest male so I had to defend my mother. I remember hiding in the back or in the bathroom as soon as we heard the door knowing that my father was home after work.

I am waiting for some politician to make part of their platform to get some exposure.

About three years ago I wrote a small article for the Imperial Valley Press, in my research at the time, I found out that there are 54 counties in California and out of those 54 counties Imperial County ranked the worst in the state.

The formula used here is determined by the number of domestic violence calls are received by law enforcement. ( I didn’t include other data, such as social services or church intervention).

The shooting of the young police Chicana, by her husband; the killing by the Poway man for revenge, his in laws, plus the Chula Vista; the man that stabbed his common law to death, are just a few that we are aware of in the media. I’ve been wondering how we rank when it comes down domestic violence in our cities in San Diego county? What kind of job are we doing?

The stain of this hurt is life long, it’s time to get real and do something about it.

Cesar Q Lopez
Chula Vista
